“I never got married,” I told her. “We lived together for a while, though. Then when Riley turned one year old, she met someone and ran away with him.”

“Oh, my gosh,” she whispered in horror. She actually reached out and touched my arm, causing my libido to shoot up unexpectedly. “I’m so sorry.”

I dared to place my hand above hers. She didn’t pull away. “It’s no problem,” I told her genuinely, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. “Not getting married turned out to be a blessing. She’s happy where she is, so that’s fine. It’s all in the past.”

“But it must have been so painful,” she said. To my disappointment, she pulled her hand away now.

“It was,” I admitted.So painful that I’m so afraid of committing to anyone.

“Where is she now?” she wondered. “Does she get to spend time with Riley?”

“She stays in Hollywood sometimes when she’s not traveling with her billionaire husband… But she hardly checks on Riley. Not like a real mother should. She’s just, I don’t know, not made for this stuff.”

“She left you for his money? And now she’s not even visiting her own son that much?” she said, her voice rising. “Wow, I can’t believe it. Aren’t women supposed to have maternal instincts?”

“I wouldn’t know,” I said, shrugging. “I’ve never been a woman.”

Suddenly she burst out laughing, even slapping me in a friendly manner. I laughed too, realizing I’d just made a joke without intending to.

“A joke! You cracked a joke!” she kept saying while laughing.

Just like that, the strong energy between us seemed to have turned into something positive. The tension that was always in the air when we were together had shifted into something else.

“You shouldn’t laugh too much,” I warned. “We’ll---”

“Run out of air!” she continued for me, but she was still guffawing. She couldn’t help it. “I know, I know. We might run out of oxygen.”

When she finally calmed down, she said, “You ought to get stuck more in elevators. I think it brings out your funny side. It loosens you up.”

I pretended to be hurt. “Are you insulting me?”

She giggled and gave me another playful slap. “Really, you should try it.”

Without warning, the elevator shook hard, moving just a tiny bit and causing Kayla to stumble toward me while we sat beside each other.

I caught her in my arms, wrapping her in my embrace.

She looked up. Our eyes met, and we connected. Without thinking, I bent down and kissed her on the lips. They were soft and moist and sweet. I gently nibbled on them, and she responded eagerly, kissing me back.

Our kiss turned passionate as we pulled each other close. I could feel her breasts rubbing against my chest, making me hard.

I realized I had been wanting this for so long. And now that I’m releasing all my pent-up emotions, I was ravenous for her.

My tongue pushed inside her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck, breathing heavily and slightly digging her nails into my skin.

Our tongues met in a fiery, sensual dance. We were consumed with desire and passion.

Then we heard voices. Running footsteps.

We pulled apart and stood up, taking our coats with us. We were both breathless.

The elevator door finally opened. Two men waited on the other side.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

Surprisingly, I answered, “Never been better, though I think we just ran out of oxygen.”

I heard Kayla stifle a giggle beside me. “Another joke,” she whispered into my ear, patting my back as if saying,way to go!