She looked at Robert then. I could not believe it when she asked, “Coming?”

He nodded and stepped in with us. Raven was squeezing my hand the entire time. I wanted to kick her, but I could not move.

When we got to the lobby, Robert offered us a ride to the restaurant where we were headed. Naturally, I said no. Raven looked utterly disappointed.

After Robert left, she burst out with the scream she’d been holding in. Then she said, “Who the hell was that?! Oh, my gosh, Kayla! He’s such a hottie, and he’s soooo into you!”

I threw her an incredulous look. “Are you nuts?!”

She grinned. “Nope,” she said in a teasing tone. “And by the way, you’re blushing!”

Chapter 6



Hearing my son’s voice over the phone made me feel guilty. I’d been working so hard these days that I hadn’t really spent much quality time with him.

“Hello, Riley,” I said. “Are you home now?”

“Yes, Anna prepared my favorite sandwich and fruit shake!” he said excitedly. I could hear him munching already. There were some other voices in the background.

“Who’s there with you?” I asked.

“Anna’s friend came to visit, the one who helped me with my crochet project,” he explained. “My friend Tommy is also here. We’re going to swim at our pool later.”

“That’s nice,” I said. “Have fun and I’ll see you tonight!”

“You’ve been working late almost every night,” he suddenly bleated. He sounded hurt and concerned at the same time.

“I know,” I admitted. “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll be at your game on Saturday.”

His tone of voice became cheerful again. “Alright, Dad. That’s cool! Bye!”

I tapped on my phone to end the call, then headed to the pantry to grab a coffee. As I was rounding the corner, I caught some words from a conversation between three gentlemen. Two of them were young lawyers and one was part of our staff.

“... she’s off-limits, didn’t you know?”

“That’s a shame. She’s so damn hot.”

“...daughter…never mind…”

“... would never give you the time of day…”

“... celebrity… Atty. Kayla…”

I gathered they were talking about Kayla being off-limits because she was the daughter of a senior partner whom everyone greatly respected and followed. And besides, from what I’ve heard from others before too, she always turned everyone down. She wasn’t interested in dating anyone.

Relief poured into me. I could not understand why I felt that way. It just felt good to know that she was not going out with anyone from the office.

I wanted to laugh. What was wrong with me? Suddenly, I remembered how it felt to touch her creamy skin and hold her in my arms, to look into her eyes and have her standing so close to me in the dark - Just the two of us.

I shook my head to get that picture out. I shouldn’t be thinking such thoughts.

That afternoon, I was called for a meeting with our managing partner Mr. Emery, who was also one of the owners. I anticipated getting exciting news like a big assignment or perhaps a promotion. It’s funny how I looked forward to that when I was already a billionaire.But hey, I loved the challenge.

Kayla was already sitting with him when I arrived.And the plot thickens…