"Her parents have no clue, do they?"

I shake my head and stand to find my sneakers.

"What did she tell them? Does she live with 'em?"

"She does. She told them she got a scholarship in New York."

My phone rings from the back of my pocket, and I take it out with one hand while using the other to put on my shoes.

"Eva, I'll be there soon."

"I've been here for fifteen minutes already."

"I'm sorry, I had a couple of things to sort out at work. I'll be there in a few minutes."

The call drops and I look up. Richard is watching me.

"How are you going to handle Eva and Fiona? Do you plan to tell her?"

I lower my gaze, lost in thought. The prospect of breaking the news to Eva fills me with apprehension, not because I'm afraid of causing her pain. After all, Eva is a self-centered, entitled individual who lacks the emotional maturity to handle complex situations or relationships. My true concern lies in the fact that she'll waste no time in blabbing to her father, potentially jeopardizing the business deal we've worked so hard to secure. In fact, she'd probably take pleasure in spreading the news far and wide if given the opportunity. I ball my hands into fists, feeling a surge of frustration.

Vengeful and spoiled.

I take one last look at my reflection in the mirror and smile, pleased with how I look. I flex my biceps, and Richard laughs.

"You're getting too old for that."

"Sexy has no age."

I wink at him and pick up my car keys and credit card.

“Mom is really cool with this arrangement?”

I had a conversation with her the night Eva came. At first, she hated it, but she kept repeating one thing - “At least you have an heir now. And I have a grandchild.” I wasn’t surprised. An heir was really all she talked about these days. She didn’t like Eva anyway, and she never told me why. When I first told her about my plans to get married to her because of the partnership deal, she wouldn’t have it. She married for love and she wanted all her children to do the same.

I grin at Richard.

"Maybe she finally gave up on me. Please make Fiona feel comfortable. I'll let her know to reach you if she needs something."

"Aye Aye captain. I'm getting a niece, after all."

I stop halfway and scrunch up my face, turning.

"Nephew, you mean?"

"Nope, it's definitely a girl."

"Okay, you can either agree with me or get out of my suite. In fact, just get out, I need to lock up."

He sighs and walks out, making his way downstairs. I pause in front of Fiona’s guest suite for a second. What's she doing currently? I lift my hands to knock and change my mind halfway. Taking out my phone, I send her a text instead:

Going out. Find Richard if you need anything.

I finally walk down the staircase and dash out of the house. Better not to make Eva madder than she is already. I get in my trusty Tundra and zoom off, calculating how long it'll take to get to the Thai restaurant. Personally, I'm not a fan of Thai cuisine, but Eva seems to enjoy it. I find it unappetizing and even remember throwing up the first time I tried Spicy Shrimp Soup, which happened when I was just eight years old. Maybe it wasn't that it was Thai; it was the shrimp - I hated seafood too. I spot the Thai restaurant from a distance. Its huge signpost is hard to ignore:

Emporium Thai Cuisine

As I pull up in the parking lot, my phone vibrates again.