“It’s twins! It’s twins! Fiona, you have to give one last push!”
Twins? No, that’s not—
“Push, Fiona. C’mon, a little more, and it’ll be over.”
I muster the final strength and push, a screech escaping my mouth. Another shrill cry comes.
“Congratulations Fiona and Jason. You have a boy and a girl!”
I pass out.
Chapter 28
“Babe!Canyougetthe door please?”
“Okay,” I call out, heading for the door.
I used to think that the perfect and joyful lives I saw on social media were not for me. I thought I was going to die a lonely, sad man. Who would’ve thought a pregnancy from a one-night stand would lead to the life I never thought I could have?
I pull the door open to find Mom, Richard, Eleanor, and Donnie. Richard takes his shades off, a smirk on his face.
“Missed me?”
He lifts his hands, and we embrace, laughing. When we tear away, Mom pulls me into an embrace too.
“I missed you, Mom!”
“I know, but Richard and Eleanor insisted that I stay longer.”
Two years after Fiona and I got married, Richard and Eleanor did. Eleanor wanted a grand wedding, and that’s exactly what she got. They insisted that Mom move in with them for a while, and she was happy to.
Mom pushes past me, looking around the house.
“Where are my babies?”
She does a three-sixty. Just then, Peter and Anastasia come running downstairs.
“Grandma!” They scream in between giggles.
“Hey, no running on the stairs!”
They completely ignore me. The twins—they drive me crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Interestingly, Anastasia looks just like me, and Peter looks like Fiona. His eyes are a bright blue, but even though his hair is brown like Fiona’s, they’re as full and curly as mine. Anastasia, on the other hand, has my neatly chiseled face, with brown eyes and long dark hair. They’re both best friends, but wait till they fight. It’s the most chaotic thing in the world.
“Happy Birthday!” Mom says, stooping to take them both in her arms. She waves two wrapped gifts.
“Grandma got you presents.”
They both hop, reaching out for the presents.
“Don’t open them yet, okay? We’ll unwrap all of them at the end of the party.”
They nod.
“Peter! Anastasia!” Donnie calls to his cousins, running. Donnie is Richard and Eleanor’s son. He’s barely two and calls Peter and Anastasia’s name in a funny manner. The way he pronounces Anastasia’s name is especially funny, so we decided to call her Ann so he didn’t struggle so much.
The twins run toward him in their bright birthday outfits. Anastasia has a yellow flower-patterned dress on, and Peter is in a black t-shirt and yellow jeans. They both envelope Donnie, jumping.