“Dammit, Fiona.” The sound of his palm slapping the table filters through. If I were to guess what he's doing currently, I'd say he's pacing with that helpless look on his face—the kind from the night when he told the story of his boarding school experience. My heart tightens.

“You can't…we had an agreement. You can't just…the deed’s done, everyone already knows. There's no point hiding anymore. It's ruined some things, but at least I don't have to hide the news of my baby any longer. They can legitimately take over from me too.”

He pauses.

“I have so much to give to the baby. Do you not want the best for the child? Do you not want wealth and a good life for our kid?”

I bite my lip. He's right. I want nothing less than a good life for my baby. What if I try to convince Jason to provide the resources for the child while he/she stays with me? Maybe he'll listen when I tell him the child can make their choice to leave when it's eighteen.

I chew my nails. Would that be a good idea? It seems pretty solid to me. I clear my throat.

“If you want to provide for the child, you still can. But I'm not coming back to the house.”

“That's just….” He exhales. “Think about this carefully, Fiona. This is our baby we're talking about. I suggest we meet physically and talk about it.”

I smile. He's searching for some way to see me. Jason's a smart man. Does he really miss me as much as I miss him, though?

A voice calls from the background.

“Is it Fiona? Fiona! I miss you!”


My eyes start to water again. I want to call out to him, tell him I miss him too. I blink the tears back.

“I have to go, Jason.”

“What? No, we're not—”

“Bye, Jason.”

I end the call immediately and shut my eyes, rubbing my cold palms together.

What do I do?

Chapter 22


Aknockonthedoor rouses me from sleep. My eyes tear open as tiny rays of sunlight spill over my eyes. I look over at the table clock—8 am. My eyes widen. Shit! I'm late for work. Oh no! This is bad. The knock comes again, louder this time.

“Jason! Are you in there?”

I grunt, shuffling toward the door. I pull it open and rush into the bathroom as Richard enters my room.

“Where are you in a hurry to?”

I peek out of the bathroom, my eyes flashing at him as he walks into my bedroom from the living room.

“Isn't that obvious?”

Richard sinks into my bed, bouncing.


“Work, idiot!”

He scrunches up his face, but his confused expression turns into an amused one in a moment. He throws his head back and bursts out laughing, holding his belly.