She hands the bottle over to me and goes to speak with the nurse at the front desk before disappearing. I gulp the whole thing at a go, shutting my eyes to relish the coolness washing over me. A quiet belch escapes my throat, and I press my lips together.
The seat beside me remains conspicuously unoccupied, yet an alluring magazine beckons with its captivating cover page - a stunning portrait of a strapping young man. My fingers eagerly grasp the publication, and as I raise it to my line of sight, a sense of familiarity washes over me as I lock gazes with the striking individual on its cover. With an insatiable curiosity, I peruse the written text accompanying the photo:
Inside the Greene Empire.
Greene? As in Jason Greene, the business mogul? My hands fly over my mouth as pictures of the night from three weeks ago flood my senses.
I can’t believe this.
The Adonis guy is Jason Greene.
I slept with Jason Greene! What?
My heart pounds as I look over his photo again. Am I dreaming? But no, it’s real. It’s very real. Same fierce eyes. Same hair. It was black, after all. His eyes are dark brown, and he's wearing a scowl. The black shirt with white cross patterns hugs his frame as he crosses his arms.
“Fiona McCall?”
I jerk and look up. It's the front desk nurse. She smiles at me.
“The doctor will see you now.”
I stand up and walk up to her. She points to the hallway.
“Down the hallway, second office on the left.”
The checkered floor is squeaky clean and makes a squeaky sound as my sole glides over it. I look up at the doors in the hallway until I come to the second one on the left.
I knock.
“Come in,” the voice calls from the other side. I push the door and walk in. A thin man in glasses sits behind a small brown table. The transparent nameplate on his table reads, “Dr. Jimmy Fall.” Beside the plate is a picture frame of him and a kid in glasses wearing a baseball hat.
A small bookshelf hangs on the left side of the office, with five large books sitting on it.
“Hello, miss. Please have a seat.”
I sit, placing both hands in between my legs.
“What's your name?”
“Fiona McCall.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Not good. For a couple of days, I've experienced splitting headaches and nausea. My appetite is a little weird; I haven't eaten any real food in two days.”
Not to mention I just found out the man I slept with three weeks ago is Jason Greene.
I don’t add that part but the words form a painful lump in my throat. He studies me in silence and proceeds to scribble in a note.
“Have you checked if your breasts are tender?”
“Uhh…I don't know. I haven't paid attention to that.”
“Have you seen your period this month?”
I look up, twitching my lips. I haven't exactly been one to monitor that, but this is the last week of the month. It should come this week.