The living room is empty. I do a three-sixty, slowly turning in search of her. The living room has four medieval statues strategically positioned to be noticed. They’re the kinds of things you’ll find in Rome or in churches. The first one is behind a pair of couches—it’s a sculpture of a woman holding a baby with an arrow. The baby’s supposed to be Cupid. Two stand on each side of the large TV—they look like kings or emperors of a kingdom.

The last one is just beside the staircase—- it’s the sculpture of a pretty woman holding what looks like a scepter.

I’ll never understand what’s with Davidson’s obsession, but it’s none of my business.

“Eva!” I shout.

My voice echoes.


Flipflops slap the floor upstairs like someone is walking impatiently. I look up, and sure enough, it’s Eva.

“What are you doing here? Get out.”

“I’m staying until you take down the article.”

Eva giggles as she descends down the staircase, her eyes fixed on me. I try to keep my rage under control. Maybe if I reason with her, she’ll listen.

“And why should I?”

She finally walks into the living room, closing the gap between us. Her sea-green satin robe flails as she draws them over her to cover her bra and shorts underneath.

“I gave you the chance to tell me the truth when I asked about her at your office. You thought I didn’t know?”

My left eye starts twitching, and I shut it for a moment, clenching my jaws. If there’s something more than a pounding heart, that’s where my heart is at, and it’s making me dizzy.

“How did you find out?”

She struts to the white sofa directly facing me and lowers herself into it, glee written all over her face. Does she think this is fun?

“Answer me!”

“Jason, if you’re going to barge into my house uninvited, I think the least you could do is not scream my head off.”

She leans back, relaxing her head on the sofa.


I scoff. “You’re lying. My mom wouldn’t do that.”

She giggles again and crosses her legs, exposing her thighs.

“Actually, I’m not. All I had to do was ask. Apparently, you forgot to tell her that you were keeping it a secret from me too. She thought I knew. Isn’t that just wonderful?”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I cover my mouth with my fist, pacing. The floors are wooden but with expensive finishings, and the soles of my monk-strap land with a soft thud as I move. I should’ve told Mom ahead. But how would I have known Eva would show up and somehow see Fiona? She always told me before coming over, so I had some time to make sure Fiona was out of sight. I have to convince her to remove the news or declare it false.

“I’m hurt that you’re more concerned with taking that down without even bothering to apologize to me. You got a girl pregnant and then lied to me. That’s how this marriage conversation is going to start out?”

"Take it down, Eva or so help me God, I'll —"

"You'll what?"

I grind my teeth and stand still, facing her. Her pale skin makes her look almost sick. It's always been her signature look to appear fragile.

"You'll do nothing, Jason! Nothing." She shifts in her seat and leans forward. "I still can't believe you haven't apologized for lying to me. You had a whole baby mama behind my back and kept deceiving me? Do you know how that feels, Jason? How it feels to be betrayed?"