Oh, God. Oh, God.

I wipe the sweat off my palm and pick up the phone.

“Who’s that?” Richard asks.

“My mom.”


Richard rubs his mouth, and takes over, pacing all over the living room.


“Fiona, where are you?”

I shut my eyes, willing my racing heart to slow down. She didn’t even ask if I’m doing okay like always. She definitely saw it.

But what if I give myself away only to find out she hasn’t seen it?Maybe she’s calling about the loans.

I nibble on my nails.

“What do you mean, Mom?”

“Don’t even try to lie to me. Tell me exactly where you are this instant.”

“Uhh…Mom, is everything alright?”

“Just tell me where you are right now!”

“But you already know where I am. Why are you asking that?"

“I know where you are?” She scoffs. Are you in New York?”

Fuck. I sink into the sofa behind me. My mind is blank. What do I tell her? My breathing is labored and my insides quiver.

I clasp my shaky hands together, placing the phone between my ear and shoulder.

“Mom, what’s with the questions?”

“Is the magazine story true? Please tell us it’s not. Please. Pastor Vincent’s daughter saw it first and showed it to him. He just left the house. We were so embarrassed, but I told him it must’ve been a misunderstanding.”

I break down, sobbing deeply. The tears blur my vision.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“How could you, Fiona? I am so disappointed.”

Her voice cracks, and the faint sound of sobs emanates from the other end of the phone. I strain to hear her words, but they are barely intelligible, drowned out by her tears. A murmur comes from Dad, but I can’t hear him. I should’ve known he was there too.


It’s Dad now. I stay silent.

“Can you hear me?”

“Yes, Dad.” I swallow. “I can hear you.”

“Listen, you need to come back home.”