How can a woman who isn’t even my girlfriend be such a handful? I’ve repeatedly tried to remind her that we broke up in high school, but it’s almost like she intentionally ignores that.

“So you interrupted my work to tell me I’ve not been giving you attention?”

“Why are you making it sound like it’s not important? It’s a big deal to me because it’s hurting me. Don’t you care that I’m hurting?”

I’m sick to my stomach with the theatrics all the time. How did I ever think I could be married to her? Of course, I need Davidson if Consco is going to break through Asia, which means I kind of need her. The thought makes my stomach churn. What about Fiona? What if she finds out that I might be getting married? Will she understand that it’s strictly for business? And why am I considering her in my decision-making?

“I’ve just been busy. I’m not avoiding you. And if you keep pulling stunts like this, I’ll stay busy because you’re making work pile up.”

“Is there another woman in the picture?”

I lick my lips and laugh. It’s a nervous laugh, but it’s still a laugh. At this point, I’m starting to think Eva’s deluded. She keeps thinking I somehow owe her something even when we’re not official on any level yet.

“What are you talking about?”

“Answer me. Is there another woman?”

“I honestly don’t get what you mean.”

“Are you seeing someone? That’s the only reason you’re acting like this, isn’t it? There’s someone who has all of your attention? Even if you deny it, I know there is.”

“Stop being ridiculous. If I was seeing someone, why would I hide that?”

“I’ve been curious about Fiona.”

The question catches me off guard. I blink, rubbing my palm down my pant legs. What do I say? Of course, I can’t say baby mama, she’ll flip and decide she’s not getting married to me, and that’s not what I want. Plus,baby mama? I hate that word so much. It’s so…undignifying. That’s not a name I would want to be associated with Fiona. But I need this marriage for Consco.

“What has that got to do with me?”

“Is she really Richard’s new love—”

“No!” I say faster than my brain and instantly regret it.

Now she’s going to be suspicious. Or she’s already suspicious? Why else would she be asking that? I’m under immense stress, and it’s making me think very slowly. Her head tilts back.Shit.


“Uhh.. I mean, uhmmm…she’s his uhmm…They’re still getting to know each other.”

She grimaces.

“That doesn’t make any sense. They’re dating and Richard said so, even though I’m not sure I believe him. There was something weird about the way he said it. And she seemed shocked that he’d call her his girlfriend.”

“That’s what I mean. They’re still talking and he called her his girlfriend. It was bound to get her shocked, but in a pleasant way, if you get what I mean.”

Eva narrows her eyes.

“You’re lying.”

“No! I’m not. Why would I lie?”

“But you stared at her. I saw it with my own eyes. Like you were interested in her. That’s a look Richard didn’t give her.”

How does she have the time to put inconsequential puzzle pieces together? Eva is highly observant and has always had an eye for detail. Of course, her dad put her in charge of his company finances.

“Are you done?”

“You’re not telling me who she is, Jason.”