I blink. This can't be happening. I turn over, searching for Eleanor. She was over there with a guy a moment ago. Where the hell is she? I glance around and finally find her talking with the dark guy on the dance floor. Now how do I get her attention from across the room? Actual telepathy would come in handy right now. I frown, fixing my eyes on her as if boring holes in her head. To my surprise, she turns and our eyes meet. I mouth the words “help” and turn back to face Mr. Nerd.
“Uhm…actually, you see, the thing is —-”
“Hey, bestie!” Eleanor cuts in, and I breathe a sigh of relief. It’s not even late into the night and I’m already having a terrible night.
She turns to the Nerd guy, “I’m sorry, she’s taken.”
She leans on the counter and casually picks up my drink, taking a sip with a mischievous grin. I watch as the nerd guy, who had been vying for my attention earlier, looks visibly hurt. He turns from Eleanor to me, disappointment etched on his face, before standing up and walking away without uttering another word.
“You’re supposed to be having fun, not hanging out with boring people.”
“Don’t even start. You freaking left me!”
“Hey, we came to have fun. I went off to have fun.”
“Without me?”
She makes a fake sad face.
“Get out of here.”
She giggles.
A deep, clear voice echoes behind me, jolting me from my reverie. “May I?”
I tilt my head to glance at the new person. Just a glimpse steals the breath from my lungs. Eleanor makes a ridiculous face and winks at me before zooming off. My gaze slides over him. He’s wearing a brown V-neck sweater with a shirt underneath. It’s not his outfit that leaves me breathless. It’s his looks. This man is quite literally Adonis.
“Yes, you may.” My voice is breathy, husky.
Chapter 2
I'vehadtheshittiestday, and it’s only the start of the year. Andrew Davidson, my soon-to-be father-in-law, is a handful, but if Consco is to get to the next level, we need him. We've single-handedly broken through the American and Australian markets, but the Asian and European markets have been the most daunting. To break through, we need Fedam, Davidson's financial giant. Getting a partnership with him hasn't been easy, but since I hinted at being interested in marrying Eva, his attitude has softened toward my partnership proposal.
My head hurts as my mind reels out every single event that played out today, from the intense meeting with Mr. Davidson to the irritating conversation with mom. I suck my teeth and look out the window. The traffic light is on red, and I slow down. Mom wants a grandchild and needs me to get married as soon as possible.
“Someone needs to inherit all that money, and it won't be me.”
Her words echo over and over in my head, and I groan. Of course, I’m going to get married to Eva, Davidson’s daughter. I can't say it makes me enthusiastic. In fact, the thought sends chills down my spine. Why in the world do I need to be tied down with a demanding wife and a noisy kid? The only reason I'm considering marriage with Eva is because of the partnership with Davidson. When Dad was alive, he often said when it came to business, only the insane ones ever made headway.
My jaw tightens as the green light comes on, and I zoom off. Finally, I approachRuthless. I've come to this bar at the end of each day this week to unwind, and today is no different. As I walk into the room, my pulse rises from the thrill in the air. A smile tugs at my lips. I can forget about the pressure for a few hours.
I walk toward the counter.
“The usual.”
The bartender nods and tosses a bottle of whiskey my way.
“Hectic day?”
“You have no idea.”
I perch on a stool at the edge of the counter, captivated by the sight of a man on the dance floor, seemingly possessed by the music. He's twirling, tossing himself in the air, and even executing a daring backflip. I can't help but be impressed by his wild moves, and I let out a boisterous laugh, joining in the cheers of the crowd. He must be either insanely talented or incredibly high.
Taking a gulp of my whiskey, I scan the room, observing the small groups of people engaged in conversation or enjoying their drinks together. But then, my attention is drawn to a slender lady who approaches the counter. She orders a drink and settles on the stool at the other end, crossing her legs, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of smooth skin through a long slit in her attire.
Oh, wow!