"Oh, by the way, we'll need to have an OB-GYN come in every month. You can't be seen outside, and there's no other way to be as discreet as possible. The doctor, of course, will need to sign an NDA. I'll speak with Jason about that."

As we make our way into the living room, I am greeted by the presence of two feline companions. One boasts a blend of tawny brown and white fur, while the other is entirely cloaked in a coat of pristine white.

"Oh my! Whose cats are these?"

"They're mine. Tracey and Doe."

"Awww! How cute."

I sit beside them and rub their backs.

"You love cats?"

"I love all animals, but cats and dogs are certainly my favorites."

Bertha smiles and opens the refrigerator.

"I got both of them about a year ago. Richard found them as newborn kittens beside a dumpster. They needed an intervention, so I took them."

I stand and walk to the kitchen, watching her.

"What are we making?"

"Pancakes. Those are Jason's favorite, by the way. Here, mix them together."

I nod and take the empty bowl from her. Everything's already set on the counter. I set out to mix the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. I'm catapulted to the kitchen at home, with Mom chasing me out of the kitchen. She hated obstructions and would rather not have anyone with her. It was odd, but it came with the privilege that I didn't have to do anything in the kitchen if I didn't want to.

"What’s your favorite kind of dog?"

She cracks the eggs open, looking at me.

"Hmm… it’s hard to say. I love all of them, but I’d probably pick the golden retriever. I have a golden retriever puppy. His name’s Moon."

“Aww. That’s cute. I also had a golden retriever in college. Why didn’t you come along with him?”

Do I tell her Jason refused? I look around the kitchen, admiring the pretty walls.

"Jason said not to."

Her smile fades while she brings the vegetable oil from the top cabinet.

She stares at me for a few seconds and walks up to me, running her hands through my hair. She holds my chin up and pulls me into her arms.

"You must feel really scared and guilty about this whole thing. I'm sorry you have to go through this, and I'll be here every step of the way, I promise."

The tears spill without my permission, and I sniff, wiping snot off my nose. She doesn't let me go for another minute or two. I needed this. This has been a lonely journey, and even though it's Jason's baby, he could care less about how I feel. Bertha tightens her embrace, rubbing my back.

"The mother of my grandchild is my daughter too."

The hug lingers, and I shut my eyes, savoring the feeling of another human in my space. Even though she looks disheveled, the scent of her hair shampoo is difficult to ignore, and there's a slight essential oil scent. Is it rosemary? I inhale softly and wipe my tears. She tears away from me and wipes my cheeks.

"These pancakes aren't going to make themselves."

I giggle, pick up the bowl, and resume the mix.

The sound of yawning comes from opposite the stairs. Richard appears in the living room, yawning and scratching his hair.

He waves shyly when he sees me and walks over to the counter.