Mom hugs me, and her hand runs through my hair. It tickles.

"I'm happy for you, Fifi. Does El know yet?"

Not like I can keep secrets from her.

"Of course, she does."

El's place was the first place I went to from the hospital after the doctor broke the news. She worked at a diner close to the house, so it wasn't difficult to pull her out and back home. She called in sick eventually and spent the rest of the day handing me tissue papers as I vented my frustration.

"What day are you leaving?"


She nods and turns to make her way back to the kitchen. In truth, I've always wanted to attend Vet school, but my parents could never afford it, and in reality, I still can't. I tried all kinds of scholarship programs, but none were successful. It’d be nice to get a real Vet school scholarship. My stomach tightens in frustration, and I shut my eyes to prevent the tears threatening to overflow. Finally, I stand and walk away to lock myself in my room.


"Oh hey. Door's open."

Blondie waltzes in like she owns my room.

"Are you done packing up your bags?"

I nod without looking up.

"Sure you aren't forgetting anything? Let's do a crosscheck. Anyway, if you forget anything, I'll come get it for you."

I look around, confirming that everything's in my bag. When I'm satisfied, I zip it up.

Eleanor's eyes are fixed on me, but I avoid them like the plague. I hate that she can read my mind, that she's already doing it right now. I turn around and make for my dressing table to pick up my makeup and perfume.

"Fifi?" she says, walking up to me.

"Look at me."

She's going to cause the tears to spill — tears I've prevented from getting a hold of me all morning. She takes me in her arms and holds onto me. Her hair tickles my face.

"We all make bad decisions. No one's perfect, including you. I want you to know that you'll be fine. I know you're scared, and you have no idea how this is all going to play out, but you'll be good. Really."

By now, the tears are spilling, and I let them, sniffing. I still hate that she can read my mind, but I hate it more that I'll be lying to my parents for over a year. She rubs my back and plants a kiss on my cheeks.

"Am I allowed to visit, at least? "

I shrug. I didn't talk about that with Jason.

"I'll miss you," I say finally. She tightens her grip on me, and her breathing, soft and light, is like a lullaby, calming my nerves.

My phone vibrates. It's Jason.

"Where are you?"

"I'm home. Are you on your way?"

"Yeah. I'll be there in about ten minutes. Keep your phone close."

The call drops. El is quiet, but I know her mind isn't.

"Please ask if I can come to visit. I can't bear to be apart from you for over a year. I just might die."