Page 52 of Paid to the Pirate

“I’m interested,” I hedged, watching her smooth the worried crease between her brows. “But if she’s as virginal as you claim, I suspect she might have misgivings when it comes down to it. I don’t fancy wasting my time. I don’t want some hellcat scratching my eyes out.”

I fought not to grin as I continued.You really brought this on yourself, Charlotte.

“I want fresh sheets laid. I want her brought to your best room. And I want her bound and gagged.”

Lady Wick, bless her, balked. She might be as greedy as any other madam -- nah, as a pirate -- but she had a soft spot in her heart for her girls.

“I’ll give you a hundred and fifty pieces of eight,” I said. “And you have my word I won’t hurt her. Think about it. Have any ofmymen ever given you trouble before? What would it do to my welcome in this place if you knew I’d damage your goods? I just don’t want any lip from the girl. Once we’re done, I’ll happily accompany her back downstairs and you can see with your own eyes that she’s unharmed. In fact, she can tell you with her own mouth how good a time I gave her.”

Toying with her glass, Lady Wick hesitated.

“Two hundred pieces of eight,” I offered. “And my word as captain that I won’t hurt the girl. If I know myself and what I can do, I think she’s going to enjoy herself.”

Lady Wick narrowed her eyes. “She musta really caught your attention,” she said, suspiciously. “Can’t remember the last time you came in here wantin’ a girl and now you’re ready to empty your bag o’ bits for this one.”

I leaned back in my chair, letting my legs fall wide. “It’s been several long months at sea and I’ve got needs just like everyone else. But unlike everyone else, I want to ensure I’m not walking out of here with anything more than I bargained for.”

I’d meant diseases I speculated some girls may carry, but I had to chuckle because I already knew I was walking out with more than I’d bargained for. To get Charlotte out of this place, and quietly, Lady Wick was going to shake me down for all I was worth.

The tough-minded proprietor finally gave a curt nod and I tampered the grin I wanted to allow. After I paid the required sum , she waved two men to our table, whispering in their ears. Presuming she was giving them instructions on how to prepare Charlotte, I almost felt bad for my little escapee.


Charlotte was about to be seized, restrained, and thrown into a bed to be raped by a stranger.

You brought this on yourself,I chided.You could have been taken beneath the stars and above the rollicking sea, as is proper for our kind.

I consoled myself by arguing,perhaps being fucked for the first time while bound in a brothel is a fitting punishment for your crimes.

Chapter 25


Fear washed over me like a rolling sea, making it difficult to find balance. Or air.

The rope tying my hands together didn’t help. Scanning the surprisingly large bedroom, I found little I could use to cut it. She’d betrayed me. Lady Wick had ordered me tied and delivered to this bedroom, violating the code between a whore and a madam. I did not consent to this treatment nor to whatever man desired it.

Stupid, stupid, Charlotte.

I’d have given anything to be back on Colt’s ship. To never have run. To not have my own pretending get me into a mess. A second mess.

If I have to lose my virtue,I thought,I’d rather it be tohim,than to whatever horrible cad walked through that door.

Bitter tears rolled down my cheeks.Not like this,I prayed.Please, God, not like this.

It wasn’t a question of whether or not it would hurt. I knew it would. The question was only how much. Colt’s fingers had caused some discomfort at first, but he’d given me time to adjust and then it’d felt…

Good,I thought, with resentment.Divine.

I had no hope that whatever man came to ruin me would show any patience. Not if he’d already ordered me tied. Only a monster could be storming up the whorehouse stairs.

What could I possibly do to escape?I thought, frantically searching the dimly lit room again and again.

Perhaps… perhaps I could save myself the disgrace. Slowly, with my heart drumming against my ribcage, I crossed the floor. What if I pitched myself out the window? Was choosing death over defilement a sin worthy of eternal condemnation to the flames of hell?

I peered out the dust-covered glass. Even if I could find a way to open it, the two-story fall probably wouldn’t kill me. I slumped, disappointed.

I should never have leftThe Dread Night.