His voice was another crack of the whip as he whispered into my ear, “Down girl. You haven’t earned it.”
Humiliated and desperate, I sobbed. Just minutes before, I cried for wanting him to stop. Now I cried because he wouldn’t continue.
I had thought Colt and his ship were my cage and that only I could free myself, but I had it backwards.
I prowled in a cage of my own making and only Colt could free me.
For a few minutes, he let me cry tears of shame and desire. Colt brought me so low I couldn’t make myself stop, even though he watched with such condensation it burned.
When I finally calmed down, Colt neared and I mistakenly thought he’d untie me. Instead, he brought his fingers back between my legs and helplessly bound, I was unable to stop his assault. I didn’t even want to. I rocked, meeting his thrusts, wiggling my hips as he rubbed the spot that gave me the most pleasure.
“Are you ashamed?” he asked, voice rough. “Are you ashamed at what I’m doing to you Charlotte? Ashamed at how you like it?”
I nodded, still bucking.
“Only a husband should see you like this, isn’t that right? And never quite likethis.He’d approach with the candles low and only to make blessed babies. He’d never string up his lady wife and spread her wide for his viewing pleasure. He’d never stick his fingers in her cunt to make her pant like an animal, would he?”
“No…” I whined, tossing my head. His filthy words mortified me but they made me hotter too. I think he knew it.
Colt watched my movements and the pleasure flit across my face. When I came close to a pinnacle the second time, he stopped again.
“Please,” I begged, as his fingers disappeared. He sat back, leaving me whimpering. Each time he touched me the tether I had to reality, to the material world, snapped. My body shot up in an arc while my mind and spirit flew right up out of it. When Colt released me, I’d slowly sink back to Earth, to the rocking of the ship and smell of salt air. After a minute, my heart rate and breathing would slow.
I let my head fall to the side, eyes fluttering shut, and I felt the dip in the bed as Colt neared me a third time.
“No, no more, please,” I begged, tugging at the ropes binding me too tightly. I couldn’t stop Colt’s fingers seeking their goal -- my unprotected sex. He slipped inside easily for another round of torment.
I didn’t try to fight him; knew it was pointless. He’d use my body as he saw fit. Fighting him only wasted my energy. He’d have his way, in the end.
“Are you ashamed at your whorish writhing, Lady Charlotte?” he asked again.
I nodded.
“Say it!”
“Yes! Yes, I’m ashamed!” I’d hoped he might let me have satisfaction if I said what he wanted. I needed completion so badly, my legs shook. But I knew no amount of begging would sway Colt’s mind.
“As I’ve been ever since you played me a fool. Tell me the truth of that night and I’ll let you come so hard you might pass out,” Colt tempted, stroking my wet folds.
I could only whine. I heard Colt’s low chuckle of disbelief, then he shoved two fingers deep inside me and curled them, making me wail and beginning the torture again.
I didn’t argue when he left me wanting the third time. Or the fourth, and final. I no longer struggled when he untied me. I could barely move my sore arms; they fell to the bed. Desperate, I made an attempt to move them between my legs to finish the job myself, but Colt grabbed my wrists.
“Uh-uh,” he tsked, placing my arms away from my throbbing cunt and chuckling when I whimpered.
He’d broken me again, in an entirely different manner than before. Weak, exhausted, and completely unsatisfied, I fell asleep in Colt’s bed.
Chapter 18
Iwas the worst inquisitor in history.
So bloody bewitched by Charlotte’s bare cunt, I’d neglected to truly press the main point of her humiliation -- to make her confess. Not to her shame, not to liking it, but to the truth of that night. She refused me but once and I let it go.
At least I’d succeeded in forcing her to succumb to lust. But I’d missed the point entirely and was left feeling more enthralled than ever.
I dropped my head into my hands.