Page 25 of Paid to the Pirate

Someone had obviously instructed, or re-instructed him, not to speak to me about past events. Sighing, I instead headed above deck.

Low clouds hung in the sky and the seas were a bit choppy. Yet something about the crisp air and feisty waves stirred my soul. I made my way to the forecastle deck, wanting to feel the wind upon my cheeks. Crewmen whispered as I passed, but none dared approach. I wondered if the gray skies evoked a feeling of wistfulness in the men as well, because I heard a few begin a shanty that was quickly picked up by the rest of the crew as they worked. I didn’t want to turn around and let them know I listened, but I couldn’t help but tap my foot in time to the beat.

These men are murderers and thieves,I reminded myself.Your goal is to learn more of their ways and to perhaps coordinate a capture with Daniel. They are the enemy.

When the song repeated the chorus a final three times, it died down, and I heard footsteps behind me. I spun, expecting to see Colt, but it was Redhands. Nothing about Robert was actually red. His hair was brown, his eyes were blue, and his skin was as tanned as any sailor’s. Robert was tall and well-built, though not as muscular as Colt.

Though he seemed higher-ranking than the other men, nothing about his approach signaled any intent to act according to station. Robert moved closer to me in a slow manner, clearly meant to intimidate while at the same time, making it difficult for me to outright claim he did anything wrong.

“You think I don’t know?” he snarled between clenched teeth, then cocked a half-grin full of hate. “You always thought I didn’t have as much power as the captain on this ship, just because I don’t have the title.”

Yet,came the unspoken promise to the end of that sentence.I don’t have the title yet.

“I - no,” I stammered, unsure what to say to appease him.

“Of course I know about the Crimson Eye,” Robert said, cornering me against the ship’s rail. “And I want to know what you did with it. Sell it, eh? Find yourself a nice buyer with that pretty little face?”

Crimson Eye? What in the world was that?

Robert slid his dirk from its sheath with slow, intentional malice. “What if I cut up that pretty little face of yours? How many slices of my blade would it take before you started talking?”

“I - I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I cried, retreating into the safety of my act. “I know nothing of a Crimson Eye and I surely haven’t taken it. Good day, sir,” I declared, attempting to end the conversation and escape Robert’s threats.

“Don’t you dare dismiss me,” he snarled, grabbing my bicep and shoving his blade beneath my throat.

My stomach barely had time to drop before Colt appeared, smacking Robert’s arm away from my neck.

“Cut it out, Robert,” Colt ordered. “You’re the one who’s supposed to punish any men who touch her, not break the rules I gave you to enforce.”

“I’m done playing her game!” Robert spat, pointing angrily. “She flounces around our ship while taunting the knowledge?” Redhands tossed his head back, sneering. I realized his face might have been handsome but for the lines his continually hostile expression seemed to work into his flesh. “I’ve had enough. If she don’t start talking by the time we leave Nassau, I’m whipping it out of her. Or I’m tellin’ the men about the Eye and they’ll gladly do it for me.”

Colt held up a hand, “Robert, calm down-”

“I ain’t calmin’,” he cried. “And I ain’t waitin’ another two years.”

Colt squared his shoulders and clenched his jaw, carefully considering Robert.

“As quartermaster it’s mydutyto challenge you on these matters. And this is the deal I can offer you, Colt,” Robert said, low and even. “She confesses everything by the time we leave Nassau, or I’ll tie her to the whipping mast and bloody her back.”

My spine turned to ice at his words. I could tell from Colt’s hard expression he took Robert’s threat seriously.

No, not a threat. A promise.

“You know the crew will happily encourage it once they learn she stole their fortune and their future. Might want to whip you too at the point. Certainly won’t support your being captain no more.”

My heart beat furiously as I awaited Colt’s reply. Surely he’d protect me?

“You’re right,” the captain agreed in a voice both dark and conceding. “It’s a fair deal you’ve struck and I honor it.”

Wait… no.

Colt stepped into Robert’s personal space, intimidating him with his height. “But if you ever speak to me again in that manner, if your negotiations ever again turn to threats, I will tie you to the mast and whip you myself.”

Robert paled.

“Have I also struck a fair deal you can honor? Say the word and I can provide a sample of my intentions right now.”

“N - no, captain,” Robert stammered, contrition and anger warring in his expression.