Colt stepped forward again, now no more than two feet away.
“Or try something new, seeing as how much time has passed?”
Before I could respond, he invaded my personal space, grabbed the back of my head, and brought his lips to mine. Balling my hands into fists, I punched against his chest in a pathetic effort at stopping him. Colt’s other arm snaked around my waist, locking my body to his, crushing my arms between us as he attacked my mouth.
I’d never been kissed before. Had I?
It wasn’t quite a kiss. Not only because the tips of his fingers dug painfully into my cheeks, but because I didn’t kiss him back.
My mind spun -- he both felt free to kiss me yet implied he hadn’t done so before.What was my strange relationship to this man?
It lasted only a few seconds. Abruptly, the one-sided kiss ended when Colt pulled back and blinked once as ifhewere the one startled. To my horror, instead of remaining in a state of ardor, the kiss had the opposite effect, and a look of even more menace grew upon his sinister features. It was as if he was not only mad at me for not kissing him back, he was mad at himself for doing so in the first place.
“I want the whole story of what happened that night. And I want every man out there to hear your cries.”
My stomach lurched as he unbuckled his belt and folded it over in an unmistakable threat. “Don’t hold back. I won’t.”
I could barely form words as the room swayed, all courage I’d summoned to board the ship quickly abandoning me.
“You mean to whip me?” I whispered, voice cracking.
Colt threw his head back, roaring with laughter.
“Believe me, I’ve half a mind to tie you to the mast and whip you as so begged. But I’ve got no mercy for you after what you’ve done.”
Mercy? How could publicly whipping me be a mercy?
“You’ll take my belt on your backside until I’ve licked every lie from those lips.”
My heart galloped and an instant sheen of sweat broke out on my brow. He couldn’t be serious.
Colt’s eyes roved my body, blazing with rage. “Take off that slip before I tear it off.”
I crossed my arms protectively against my chest. “You request tribute like a so-called gentleman pirate, but you’re no gentleman!”
“And you think wearing ridiculous dresses and silky chemises makes you a lady?”
I scoffed. Howdarehe speak to me like that? My dress was anything but ridiculous. Daniel said it was the latest fashion in Paris. Mrs. Penningham said the pink beautifully complemented my honey curls and hazel eyes.How dare he; this dirty, swarthy pirate?
I jutted my chin. “My manners make me a lady. And furthermore, I am a - agodlywoman.”
I’d hoped that pronouncement would buy me some protection, but it amused Colt instead.
“Godly?” he mocked. Bright, white teeth flashed against his tanned skin when Colton grinned widely.
“You’ve been pretending to be something you’re not since the day I met you. You’ve been a liar since day I let you live. Do your games ever stop?” He chuckled, darkly. I didn’t know if he expected a reply as he glowered, but I had none to give.
“Well then, it’s as I said. No whipping post for you,lady.You’ll be punished in the manner befitting a woman. With my belt. On your rear.”
A twinge in a region I’d never previously felt such a stirring, alarmed me. The rest of my body understood the danger it was in -- especially my backside, which tingled with anticipation. But the area between my legs felt as if… for the first time in my life… that private region had been stroked, awoken.
The feeling frightened me as much as this man’s leather belt.No, no, not a man.A pirate, a devil. Thinking of him as a man would be folly, lulling me into some false belief he’d have… what did he say?Mercy.
Colt the Cruel had no mercy. I didn’t need the warning; his reputation proceeded him.
Before I could run, Colt’s strong hands grabbed mine and held them together as he pushed me toward the bed. It seemed unreal; I was in a nightmare and I had to wake up.
“Let me go!” I cried and he laughed, helaughed.