Page 6 of Paid to the Pirate

Mrs. Penningham fixed me with what I knew to be her “encouraging” smile. “Captain Colt will return here, we’ll see each other again, and he promises you will be able to confirm to us that you haven’t been…” she trailed off.

“Raped or killed!” I finished for her.

Both Daniel and Mrs. Penningham fell uncomfortably silent.

What other options had I, than to trust Mrs. Penningham’s words? If I didn’t agree to go peacefully, nothing stopped the bloody pirate from taking me by force. And God only knew what else he’d steal along with me.

I covered my face with my hands. “Ihaveto go,” I whispered, collapsing into bed. “You’ve been so kind to me, I can’t risk all your lives to save mine.”

I felt the weight of Mrs. Penningham sink into the mattress beside me. She wrapped one comforting arm around my shoulders as I struggled not to weep. The helplessness of my situation enraged me more than anything else. It should have been fear -- and that was unmistakably crawling up my spine -- but the idea that I was at Colt’s whim, that I had no power over –

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. I raised my head from my hands.

“We’ve lived under the thumb of these criminals for too long. Extorting us, tormenting us, killing us. Why do we allow them to shape this new world the way they want when we can take back the power to shape it another way? What if I used this opportunity? Forus?”I shot to my feet and before they could stop me -- beforeIcould stop myself -- and a plan came tumbling out.

“What if I feign cooperation whilst I learn their ways? In a few weeks’ time, I could report back to you everything I learn about the inner workings of their piracy. When I return, I might know enough so that we can take them down. Why, I could do it myself,” I said, jutting my chin. “If I’m close to this Captain Colt, I could easily slip poison into his drink one night. Into the whole crew’s.”

My heart beat terribly fast by the time I’d finished, but my eyes shone, feeling like I’d wrested some control over my plight.Not that I know where to find poison,I thought. But I pushed the objection from my mind. Mrs. Penningham’s mouth turned down at the corners, but to my surprise, Daniel stared with rapt attention.

“Yes…” he said, eyes bright, and my heart gave a small leap to see that he respected my scheming. Using his palm, he smoothed back a loose strand of sandy hair that had fallen free from its ribbon. “Yes, my sweet Charlotte, this is a wonderous plan. We shall rendezvous at the agreed-upon time, and you can report back to us everything we need to know about these scoundrels. We’ll use the information to entrap Captain Colt, putting an end to his piracy, and hopefully, his life.”

Grateful for an ally, when Daniel clasped my hands and met my eyes, I saw him in a new light.

“And then, once you’re safely returned to us, perhaps you’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Daniel’s blue eyes glittered with hope. He was handsome. He was newly-rich and growing richer every day.Andhe respected my idea.

I couldn’t see a reason to deny him any longer.

I stammered but replied with sincerity, “I – I shall consider your offer.”

Chapter 5


She took her sweet time gathering her belongings. If I hadn’t men posted at the base of the stairs and outside her window, I’d have thought she intended to give us the slip.

I knew from experience how good she could be at escaping notice.

But then why had she sauntered into the room as ifwantingto get caught?

I told Johnson to ensure the crew obeyed orders -- no one but myself was to engage Charlotte. No questions, no accusations, no probing of the past. She’d floated into the room like a goddamn ghost and they were going to treat her as such until I got to the bottom of her lies.

I had a plan. I had it under control.

Which wasmylie, but they’d never know. The important message to convey was that anyone stepping out of line would face my wrath.

Near a half-hour later, Charlotte descended the stairs like a bloody duchess, shoulders squared and chin jutting stubbornly. Her face, however, was the pale of death, and I caught the quiver of her lower lip. She was scared.


I’d instructed the crew to keep their distance. I didn’t know who had the best or worst intentions forMiss Charlotte,as she apparently called herself, and I wanted ample space to sort out whether or not my own intentions ran more on the side of protection… or punishment. More than once my fingers dug into my thighs, itching to encircle her neck and squeeze.

Unsure whether or not I had my impulses under control, I temporarily kept my distance as well.

Surrounded by my men, Charlotte had no choice but to be led into the jolly boat and deposited securely in the middle bench. Head high, she facedThe Dread Night,anchored safely in the bay and guarded by the remainder of the crew. I sat at the stern, watching the waves and wind sweep strands of honeyed curls from her pins and sending them in disarray down her neck. She tried to reassemble them -- she actually tried to tidy her hair as I rowed her to her doom. I didn’t know whether to laugh or to throttle her.

Hair pins would be the least of her concerns when I was through with her.