I’d lost her once, I could suffer it again. Couldn’t I?
But the last time, I hadn’t lost this much. I’d focused on losing the crew’s future and all the freedom entailed for myself and my men which the Crimson Eye could purchase. At least, I’d tried. Now, after those nights with Charlotte… after holding her, loving her, safeguarding her… I’d lost so much more. I’d lost the her -- the us -- I’d only ever dared to imagine in the darkness of my cabin after several cups of rum.
Devil in hell,what could I do about it?
Nothing. She despised me all over again and for even greater reason.All that time I’d thought she’d been a willing participant in a game she’d constructed,I thought, wincing,and all that time she didn’t remember...
Conks had joined our gathering and the look in his eyes told me it was done.
She’s gone.
Charlotte had been delivered to shore by Miguel, who stayed on deck for watch duties while we debated below.
Twice I’d tried taking her, forcing her to stay with me, and twice I’d failed. A third time and she’d slit her own throat, just as she’d sworn.
And if I didn’t pay attention right now, Sedge might slit mine.
The crew had divided between Sedge and me, but I had a few tricks up my sleeve he couldn’t predict, not to mention Johnson’s subversive eloquence in swaying men to my side. It was remarkably subtle every time Johnson brought up a point that seemed, overtly, to be in Sedge’s favor, but secretly raised concerns giving way to the men questioning his ability to lead. Though we were evenly matched, the men supporting him were all muscle, no mind.
Sway over sabers,dear Sedge.
This was my ship and he wasn’t going to take it from me.
You conniving little bastard.
I’d planned on being merciful, but after his suggestion to maroon me for slaying Robert, I’d debated what sort of accident would befall the eager climber once this matter was settled. Perhaps when he scaled the rat lines I’d cut the ropes, and he’d have a physical downfall to match the metaphorical one he was about to experience. Sedge marched around the hull, grandstanding about his abilities. I sat, letting others speak on my behalf. I did my best to appear thoughtful, if not contrite.
I needed it to be believable, after all.
Once the vote is cast, I can allow myself to consider how to survive without Charlotte…
The pounding of rain upon the ship’s wooden sides dimmed sounds of whatever commotion ensued above deck. It wasn’t until the door swung wide and Miguel sloshed down the steps that everyone turned to take stock of an unexpected guest upon our vessel.
I froze. Something in my bones told me it had to do with Charlotte and a chill raced down my spine.
“Beggin’ your pardon, the man said, swiping a cap from his head and holding it near his chest. “But I was made to send you a message. My name is John. Please don’t hurt me. If I didn’t tell you, they said they’d take my wife and children and-”
“Spit it out now!” I growled, springing to my feet.
“He’s taken Miss Charlotte, he’s hurting her,” the man supposedly named John announced, trying to appear shaken and so clearly a part of whatever scheme was happening that I was certain that even the dimmest man on my crew could see through him. “Said he’s making her scream to make you scurry.”
I broke out in a panicked sweat because those words rang true. A fear like I’d never known set my heart racing, pounding. The room disappeared and nothing mattered but getting off my ship and getting to Charlotte.
“She’s not in the brig?” James asked. “How’d she escape?”
Sedge snorted. “Wouldn’t be the first time the bitch gave us the slip. Or the second.”
“Who has her?” I demanded, ignoring everyone and fisting my hands against the urge to clutch this man’s collar and to shake him, to lift him off the ground and dash his head against the wall.
“Daniel,” John replied, confirming my suspicions. “He said to come alone or he’ll kill her. He said the longer you take, the more he’ll hurt her.”
I’m going to kill him. You. Everyone involved.
“It’s a trap,” Conks said behind me, announcing what we all knew to be true.
“A trap?” John asked, with false, wide eyes. “I wouldn’t know anything about that, I’m just the messenger. I only saw Daniel take her into the woods. Said I was to bring you to him.”