Page 44 of Broken Mate

Elias’s jaw flexed. “You’re not wrong—she’s absolutely insane. Jack would still have his seat on the Council if she wasn’t so good at collecting secrets.”

That’s news to me. “Do you think he could take over when she’s removed?”

The question gave him pause, after which he wobbled his head a bit. “Yes and no,” he answered, chuckling. “Jack is an acquired taste, and Francesca had been working for years to assassinate that character before she forced him to step down. I think if people could look beyond the poison she's put in their ears, they would see he’s still a good fit for the job, but they’re unfortunately fickle.”

No kidding.

We chatted a bit longer before he excused himself, warning me that he would be telling Jack about my interest in yoga. I cackled at the reminder, waving him off and heading off to meet up with my mate.

Sariel was right where I’d expected him to be, hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans as he pushed off from the tree he’d been leaning against. “Nice chat?” he teased.

I stepped into his open arms, pressing a kiss to his grinning mouth. “Yes, actually. Elias is sweet.”

He was a monster of a man in appearance, and I didn’t doubt his capabilities given how defensive he was of his family and pack, but he was more of a teddy bear than I’d expected.

Sariel read as much through our bond, chuckling. “I’m sure he is,” he placated me as we headed down the hill toward the cafeteria.

It didn’t take me long to spot Auren, arms folded, as he bickered with an elderly man near the kitchen door. I was able to make out a handful of words—the most important being the fact he was demanding to discuss their bond—and elbow Sariel.

My mate grimaced, shaking his head and trying to carry on into the cafeteria, but I dug in my heels.

Sariel! We can’t just let him harass random people! That’s clearlynotAshe, so what is he doing?!

My chiding did nothing to sway him, so I sighed and turned to where Auren was growing more heated. Bracing for his wrath, I tried to exude soothing vibrations when I approached and cleared my throat. “Can I talk to you for a moment, Auren?”

His pursed lips let me know he wasn't happy with being interrupted, but he gave me a sharp nod. The old man hobbled away hurriedly, hacking a bit and shaking his head.

At a loss for what to say, I gave Sariel another mental nudge, and the man sighed.

“Who was that?” he reluctantly asked as he joined us.

I watched Auren’s defenses go up before our eyes. He shuffled a bit, tucking his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “My mate.”

“Are you sure?”

Sariel’s concern tickles my senses—and apparently Auren’s too, because the youngest Ambrose was so tense it made my teeth ache.

See?I demanded.

“He does this on purpose,” he explained briskly, almost a mumble. I furrowed my brow. “Yes,I’m sure.”

“What does he do?”

Obviously, this was not a conversation he wanted to have with either of us because the longer we stood there, the more agitated he seemed. While it wasn't unusual for him to be short with either of us, that didn’t mean we had to enjoy it.

“Listen, I know you two mean well.” His jaw flexed like that was a struggle to say, and I felt a pang in my chest. “But I don’t need your help with this. I need you to let me navigate my relationship on my own. The time for advice has passed.”

“We’re not trying to—”

Auren scoffed, and Sariel’s temper flared at being interrupted.

“Auren, we’re just a little concerned,” I tried, gentling my voice. “Are yousurethat was your mate? What about Ashe?”

It was like a bomb had gone off inside him. His body seemed to expand and fold in on itself all at once as his shoulders hunched; I wasn’t sure how to navigate the minefield I’d stepped into with him.

He was always so steady and sure, and seeing him looking—his version of—unhinged was making me anxious.

“Yes!” he all but shouted. “I don’t need you running interference every time I try to talk to him! Leave it alone.”