Page 47 of Broken Mate

My hackles rose when Neo rolled his eyes. “Michael isn’t the top dog of Heaven. I think we should ask.”

He turned to Auren, looking for approval I knew he wouldn’t find there. My brother's head tilted thoughtfully, weighing out the pros and cons of involving yet another higher power.

Lucifer had been enough of a gamble—and I was still a bit peeved they’d asked at all—with no pay-off. The time and effort it would take us to even get into Heaven would be insane.

Auren shook his head like he could hear my arguments, rubbing at the stubble along his jaw. “No, I don’t think so. They don’t care one way or another how things turn out for us, so why bother?”

Although Neo initially seemed like he was going to dispute, he eventually acquiesced with a quick nod and averted his gaze.

Sensing the tension, Jack and Ashe shared another secretive glance.

The meeting continued. I always forgot how tedious these were every week until about halfway through when I was ready to tear my hair out. The conversation ranged from a discussion about rations to which foods we’d be growing in the fall, and it wasmind-numbing.

Obviously, we’re not cut out to be the hybrid representative Council members,Aria joked.

I smirked at her, pulling her knuckles to my lips to press a kiss there. I was glad that I wasn’t the only one who had realized what was coming.

Eventually, the Upper Council would need a hybrid to sit in and represent our interests since we were so varied. Leaving us under the “care” of one race or the other clearly hadn’t been working, and I couldn’t imagine a world where others didn’t demand their place in the world when it was all said and done. We’d be lucky if they didn’t cry for the abolishment of the Upper Council altogether.

For all its flaws, the system worked. The only ones who were hurting were the ones left outside of it—like hybrids and the fallen-blood wolves.

I hope not, I replied.I’d rather run off into the sunset with you, thanks.

A giddy feeling fluttered through her into me, and she squeezed my fingers. Obviously, I wasn’t the only one excited at the prospect of finally getting some quality time together. For being fated mates, things had been pretty rocky for us so far; it would be nice to get away from all the drama for a few years.

Agreed. Now, pay attention! With your luck, they’ll ask you for an opinion, and then what will you do?she teased.

I’ll ask you, of course.

She cleared her throat to mask the giggle that tried to escape her, patting her sternum to make it more convincing. Nobody bought it, though, from the deadpan stares we received.

Elias looked like he was ten seconds from asking us to stop flirting and pay attention, but thankfully, Reese interrupted.

“I think that my project will be complete soon and in need of testing.”

The verbiage was careful, but Zuzanna gave her a reprimanding look anyway.

“Interesting,” Auren murmured, ponderous. “I guess we’ll need to start tracking where the most action is. We can try to target the Upper Council’s soldiers with it.”

Apparently, the secrecy over whatever Auren had Reese working on had come to an end. Not that we still had any idea what it was, even with that brief interaction.

The little human looked a bit pale at the thought of it being tested in a war zone, but she didn’t speak up, pursing her lips with a nod.

“Why not the Free Kingdom?” Atlan asked, surprising everyone as his fingers danced across the table. “We all know they’re up next, regardless of their arranged marriages and promises of peace.”

“Because they’re focused on the Upper Council right now,” Grel said casually, as if the man hadn’t just brought up attacking his homeland—but then again, I guessed it was Atlan’s, as well. “It’d be a terrible idea to draw their attention. Let those two wear one another out first.”

Kiran shared a glance with Atlan after the grouchier of the two nodded begrudgingly.

“We’ll worry about the details at the next meeting,” Auren said simply, and that was that.

Everyone filed out, suddenly eager to return to their boring routines rather than think of the incoming war.

Atlan was right, of course. It seems inevitable that the Free Kingdom would attempt to conquer us eventually. It’s only a matter of time before we found ourselves in direct conflict with them. The only question was if Grel and Lucia’s Resistance would stand with us or against us… and that thought left a bad taste in my mouth.

I wouldn’t want to go up against Mikey and his fiance, even if I thought it was the right thing to do.

Auren was eons younger than the fae, but I had more faith in his leadership than either of theirs. Even if hewasacting a bit unstable lately.