"Yeah, he did."
He nodded thoughtfully, obviously unconcerned with the fact that I was being tormented by the other angel. As far as I was concerned, Michael was as big of a dick as the rest of them—maybe even worse, for toting his holier-than-thou attitude but doing nothing to protect any innocents.
"I hope you'll get to see the real thing one day. Considering your heritage, it would be hard to do, but stranger things have happened over the eons. Your mate being one of ours will definitely help your case."
I tried not to let that seed of hope take root, but it did, and Michael smirked like he knew. "Has the bond been completed yet?"
When I shook my head, he sighed like the weight of the world had fallen on his shoulders.
"I was afraid of this. But don't worry; one way or another, she will come for you."
The ominous warning was all I got before he disappeared again, and I was left alone.
Barimuz didn't sleep, but sometimes he watched Aria for hours, which was the most peaceful part of my day.
I fell asleep staring at her, wishing I could hold her for a little while.
I knew I was dreaming. Aria was snuggled into my chest, her breathing steady and warm against my collarbone, and I had my face tucked into her hair. She was sleeping.
Pulling her closer, I shuddered when she returned my squeeze and sighed.
"Hey, baby."
Her soft words strangled me, and I realized I was choking back a sob.
Clearing my throat, I breathed her in, willing myself not to wake up.
"Hey, pup. I missed you." Aria giggled, pressing soft kisses to my chest and throat. She pulled the blanket up higher around us, making sure we stayed cocooned in its warmth as her free hand tickled at my hair.
After being without her for so long, this all felt so amazing.
I wished I could stay. I wanted to just stay here with her, even if it was just a figment of my imagination.
"I've been here the whole time, Sariel."
When she tilted her head back and looked up at me, she seemed startled that I was near tears.
It earned her a soft laugh, and then she was fussing over me with a frown. "Sariel, what's wrong?"
She sounded so real, I almost told her. I almost ranted about what had happened and how I'd been trapped in Hell ever since—but then I thought about how that would ruin this tiny bit of peace I had made for myself and decided that now was not the time.
"I just… reallyneed you right now, Aria."
Her brow furrowed when I pressed my forehead to hers, and she gave me another sweet kiss despite the clear worry on her face.
"You have me. Youalwayshave me."
The promise made me shudder. When we kissed, I wished I could feel it. I wanted to taste her,touchher, and know she felt me there with her.
But it was just a dream. I had to wake up if I ever wanted to make it back to the real thing.
Knowing that didn't stop me from clinging to her, holding her to my chest as the two of us laid in the warmth of our dream bed. I could hear the rain, and it was lulling me to relax for what had to be the first time in days. Her fingers glided through my hair as she hummed a soft song that I couldn't place.
"I hope you'll tell me what's wrong eventually," she confided as we laid there together.
I swallowed a new lump in my throat, ducking my head to rest against her chest. I could hear her heartbeat, and it nearly broke me. "I will. Eventually."
Hoarse and broken, she started humming again, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.