“I’m going to do some more training with Atlan today.” His rasp made me shiver; I could practically feel the smirk in my hair. “Meet up for lunch, though?”
My heart fluttered, and I could feel gooseflesh breaking out across my skin. “Definitely.”
The squeak made him chuckle. I was a little disappointed when he released me.
Sariel’s grin was borderline salacious when he winked at me before heading down the path, and my knees felt like jelly.
Reese giggled at my misfortune, bumping her shoulder to mine and waggling her eyebrows. “He seems to be in a better mood these last few days, huh?”
“Right? It’s weird,” I mumbled, cheeks still burning, and she gave me an odd look.
Never mind how I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle—I was freakingshakingwith need, which was mortifying to realize. How did I even begin to explain that to Reese? It wasn’t that Sariel wasn’t attractive or anything, but I had never felt it thisintensely.
“You like him better broody?”
Well, when she put it likethat.
“No, I just… never mind.”
Neo had made me paranoid, that was all. I was finally feeling the full force of the bond now that we’d been relatively safe for a while, I bet.
Reese didn’t push it, but I promised myself that I would find Neo and actually hear him out, if for no other reason than to put my mind at ease.
Sariel was quiet down the bond, with flashes of pain that must have been from his training with Atlan.
Kiran had mentioned the other day his brother was thrilled to have someone willing to be his punching bag who wouldn’t break after a few heavy hits. I wasn’t really sure how I felt about that, but my mate had been thrilled about getting to stretch a bit with the hybrid, so there was no need for me to fuss.
The morning dragged on. When lunch finally rolled around, I knew Sariel was coming from the way my entire body started to tingle.
No, that was definitely weird. I was sporting ice picks on my chest and ready to climb the nearest wall by the time he tugged me into an embrace.
He was covered in sweat, and I should have been cringing away, but… I nuzzled my face into his chest, shuddering.
“I missed you too, pup.”
My wolf bristled at the pet name for some reason, but I brushed it off when she didn’t make any more of a fuss. The choked squeak that escaped me when his hands brushed my ass made Sariel laugh, and he stepped back, feigning innocence. “What are you in the mood for?”
Reese and Neo made their way over, and I tried to focus on something other than how I was—was I going into heat or something?
Clearing my throat, I smiled at our friends before answering. “Zuzanna mentioned they might actually have some pizza today, so I’m hoping to get some before it’s all gone.”
Neo was glaring so hard at Sariel that Reese hissed out his name as my mate grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the small line that had formed in the cafeteria. “Pizza it is, then.”
I was distracted from my raging hormones by the realization that we’d missed the pizza and were stuck with the burger or salad options, but not for long.
Do you think they’d let us sneak some cookies later?
There was an uncomfortable pause before he responded—I could feel that paranoia trying to creep forwards again. Sariel had never hesitated to use our bond to talk before.
If we’re quick enough, we wouldn’t even need to ask.
His grin was mischievous, and… there’s a moment where I could swear I saw—horns.
I recalled the flashes of Barimuz I’d seen in the cell with Neo, so suddenly I couldn’t breathe.
No. No, I would know. The bond would tell me if something like that had happened, right? It had even worked in those crazy anti-magic cells before.
Sariel gave me a concerned look, reaching for my cheek with gentle fingers, and I pressed my face into his hand. “Sorry, I’m just having a moment.”