Page 1 of Curvalicious



“Lily, why do I keep piling on the pounds?” I sighed, catching a reflection of myself in the bakery window where we both worked. The apron I wore was tighter than the week before.

“I need to stop eating. This is getting silly now,” I confessed, fully aware of the reason behind my weight gain.

“Don’t be like that. There’s more to a person than their size,” she reassured me, having lost fifty pounds herself due to health concerns.

Six months later, we were no longer the same size. It seemed as if I had doubled in weight while she’d slimmed down and found love with a boy who’d asked her out.

“I need to start looking for a cat!” I exclaimed, feeling a bit dramatic.

“Oh, shut up! You’re only eighteen,” she giggled, dismissing my worries. We were cleaning up in anticipation of closing for the day.

Lisbon, once a quiet town, was becoming more lively. However, it still seemed too quiet for us, which is why I had plans to study Management at USC in Los Angeles at the end of the summer.

“I have an idea, Mia. There’s a place called Club Curve. It’s a space where you can explore your sensuality, and guess what? They’ll even pay you for it.”

Surprised, my eyebrows shot up. “Pay? What do you mean?”

“If you’re a virgin, they offer a substantial sum for one night. It’s a win-win situation. You gain confidence, and they compensate you for it.”

Intrigued, skeptical, and longing for self-assurance, my mind swirled with emotions. “Are you sure about this?”

“Mia, think about it. It could be an opportunity for you to rediscover your self-worth, to prove to yourself that you’re desirable. Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow,” Lily reassured me, reaching out and brushing a stray hair away from my face.

Taking a seat on a nearby stool, she continued, “I see the struggle you’re going through, but please remember, your worth goes far beyond the numbers on a scale. You are so much more than what meets the eye. You deserve love and happiness, and I believe in you.”

“What if they don’t want me?” I asked, still unsure.

“Club Curve is a haven where you can celebrate your body and even be rewarded for it,” she explained, handing me her phone to check it out.

As I stared at the application form, hesitation, doubts, and insecurities crept in.

“Just do it,” Lily encouraged me. “Don’t overthink it. Imagine earning the same amount in one night as you would working part-time in college for a whole year.”

Shaking my head, I hesitated. “But I’ll be a prostitute.”

“It’s just one night, Mia. It’s not exactly the same. It’s a safe place, and it’s what you need right now. Another diet may leave you disappointed, losing weight only to gain it back again. This could help you feel good about yourself. Once you achieve that, all doors will open. Trust me.”

Her words resonated with me, and I started filling in the form. As I typed my name, glancing between the screen and the enveloping darkness outside, I felt a mix of trepidation and hope. With a deep breath, I pressed the “Submit” button and embarked on a new chapter of my life.

When the confirmation message appeared, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed me. I felt excited, but then at the same time, I started to worry about it all being a big mistake.

What if the guy turned out to be someone I who recognized me? I pondered over this thought, wondering if there was anyone I knew who was wealthy enough to afford such indulgences. The influx of thoughts and worries made me nervous and regretful about submitting the application. However, I reminded myself Lily had been my friend since kindergarten, and I trusted her not to lie or put me in danger.

“Great! You won’t regret it,” Lily said as I handed back her phone. It struck me that she might be right, because when I looked at my reflection in the window, I no longer saw an overweight and lonely girl, but a confident and alluring woman.

Lily had always emphasized the power of the mind, and as the clock struck five, indicating the bakery’s closing time, I realized she was right. It truly was all in the mind. Merely applying didn’t guarantee someone would choose me.

Initially, I felt scared, but as we finished up at the bakery and went our separate ways, with Lily going on a hot date with an actual boy while I opted for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and a romantic movie, I started to see things differently. She was right—I was only eighteen, but my life felt much older. Maybe, Club Curve could help me change that.


Ethan Evans

In the dimly lit confines of my room, grief and loneliness pressed heavily upon my soul. Today marked the fifth anniversary of my beloved wife’s passing, a painful milestone that seemed to amplify the emptiness permeating every corner of my existence. Memories of her warmth, her laughter, and her love echoed through my mind, both a comfort and a cruel reminder of what I had lost.