Page 68 of Bonded and Betrayed

“What have I done to deserve this?” I sigh in frustration and put the blade back down for the second time today. I’ve been interrupted twice now, in nearly the same position as last night. This has to be some sort of karma biting my ass.

“I can leave,” Zeke says hesitantly, a mischievous glint twinkling in his eyes.

“No,” I say at the same time Everett says, “Yes.”

Zeke glances between us, a crease forming between his brows as if he’s trying to decide who to listen to.

“Now that he’s here, we should probably tell them about that,” I say, glancing at the crumpled piece of paper on the desk. It teeters so close to the edge, as though it’s reminding us of the threat looming over our heads.

“I guess it would be pretty hypocritical if we kept this from them.”

“Probably,” I say, chuckling at the scathing look he shoots at Zeke, before placing my lips against his in one last gentle kiss.

“Go get Arsenio and Zayn,” Everett grumbles, reluctantly dragging his gaze away from me. “There’s been a development.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Cursesflowbeneathmybreath as I turn the key in the ignition, my teeth gritted as the engine turns over once, twice—

“Bingo,” I cheer in triumph and put the car in drive, not willing to take a chance on my old beat up Honda Civic. She’s been a reliable car for the last ten years, but she likes to give me a hard time sometimes.

I hunch over, gripping the wheel in a vise-like grip as my car rolls down the cobblestone driveway.

Keeping my window rolled up, I wave to the security at the guard station as the wrought iron gates open, the metal squealing in protest, and breathe a sigh of relief as I drive past them and out onto the open road. The barest hint of Monte’s brake lights flash as he turns right.


I ease on the gas, careful not to go too fast—I can’t raise anyone’s suspicions, not when I have places to be and people to follow.

It’s hard to work out how fast to go or how much space to leave, but it gets easier each time I follow my boss.

My stomach churns, reminding me that he might not be my boss for much longer. Technically, we’re supposed to be colleagues since both of us are in Alpha Draven’s inner circle, but he never lets me forget he’s her right hand.

I seriously doubt his position though, especially since I seem to be getting more information than him, but he doesn’t know that. I haven’t found anything incriminating just yet, but I can’t let my guard down now—not when my Alpha is counting on me.

Learning from him has been interesting to say the least. Although he hasn’t said or done anything outright suspicious, there’s a lot he seems to be holding back. He’s taught me the basics of the computer and security systems, but he’s been keeping any sensitive information under lock and key, like I’m the one who can’t be trusted.

I pull up at the stop sign, even though I know I could lose him, but I don’t want to risk getting pulled over by the cops at a time like this. It’s part of his normal route though, so if he sticks to his usual actions everything will be fine.

A sliver of tension eases from my chest as I spot his black sedan down the road, with two cars between him and me.


Still at a distance, I make sure to catalog his movements and keep at least two cars between us at all times.

I’m always on high alert every time I follow him, but as we pass the large oak trees at the edge of his neighborhood, the hum of anxiety over my skin lessens as we get closer and closer to his house. Everything seems normal so far.

I sigh a breath of relief, hopeful that their suspicions about Monte are wrong, expecting him to turn right to take him into his neighborhood, but he doesn’t. Instead, his signal light flashes left as he rolls to the thick white line painted on the road.

My throat dries as I watch him turn left back onto the main road, his tires squealing slightly as he speeds in the opposite direction from his house.

That’s … not right.

I quickly pull out my phone and open it to the GPS app Silas had loaded on for me. I haven’t had to use it before when I’ve followed him, but I might just need it now if I can’t catch up with him. Even still, I might miss something if I’m not on his tail.

He might just be going to the store, I remind myself, but the thought settles in my stomach like a rotten egg. My stomach churns, my intuition flaring as I focus back on the road.