“Wasn’t planning on it,” I sigh, staring at the glittering ring clasped between my fingers.

“Good,” he says simply, clearing his throat as though he thought I might put up more of a fight. “Tonight, little wolf,” he growls before he hangs up.

I slowly lower the phone to the desk and focus back on the icy blue glint of the diamond. The sunlight beams across the room, the sapphires casting a blue hue onto the office walls. The gem looks so close to Everett’s eyes, there was no way I could have it on my finger while I was ignoring his calls. The stone would have haunted my every waking minute.

Slipping the gold band back on my finger, I clamp down on the sigh of relief that begs to slip from my lips, like a missing piece of my soul has been reunited.

I can’t let myself slide back into that familiar place, though, not yet. I still need answers.

Zeke may not have landed my father’s killing blow, but he was there. I need to know who hired him and if he knew that his mark was Godric Draven. Because if he knew and kept that from me, I might not ever be able to forgive him. And if the others knew and were going to pretend to find my father’s killer while shielding Zeke, I’ll have to walk away from them all.

Chapter Three


Hasitreallyonlybeen a few weeks since my first dinner at the Whitlock’s compound? The memory of the drive to the last dinner flits through my mind as I glance down at my left hand. The pressure of Monte’s mother’s ring had wrapped around my throat like a noose, threatening to cut off my air at a moment’s notice. It was a tether to my old life, to the girl I was before, one that needed to be severed. I just hadn’t had the strength to do it until it was almost too late.

The sapphires that sit there now glitter in the sunlight, chasing away the demons lingering slightly beneath the surface. Despite the reminder that my world has shifted so drastically since that first meeting, I can’t help the trickle of unease that resurfaces at the thought of Monte.

Taking a deep breath, I look up at the two betas sitting opposite me.

He isn’t here. Not this time.

Some of the tension uncoils and I work to keep the relief off my face. I don’t want to tip either of them off, but judging by the way Silas grimaces and the crease forming between Seline’s brows, I’m sure they already know something is up.

Seline’s lips part, but I cut her off with a terse shake of my head and flick my eyes towards the driver. A thick pane of bulletproof glass might separate us, but I can’t be too sure. If he overheard any of what’s been weighing on my mind ... I don’t even want to consider what the consequences may be. She sighs, her shoulders slumping slightly, but thankfully doesn’t voice her concerns.

I spent the better part of the afternoon agonizing over each detail, each interaction I’ve had with the betas in my inner circle as I got ready for tonight, before finally concluding that I can’t keep this to myself. Silas and Seline have been here for me every step of the way. Seline even helped me uncover some uncertainty towards Monte. If I’m going to get to the bottom of my suspicions and find my father’s real killer, I’ll need their help more than anyone’s.

I don’t know who to trust anymore, and with my suspicions mounting towards Monte, I can’t be sure who would take his side. He entrenched himself so completely with the pack, became my father’s right hand, so if it came down to it, would the pack back and believe him, or the new alpha they barely know?

I, for one, don’t want to find out, not until I can prove the niggling feeling in my gut one way or the other. For now, I’ll keep my friends close, and my enemies closer. I just need to decide which category the man from my past now falls into.

My phone vibrates against my thigh, jerking me from my thoughts. I waste no time pulling it from the black silk clutch perched on my lap, the silver chain shifting slightly against my matching silk dress. The screen flashes to life as I bring it up to my face, the name on the caller ID turning my stomach instantly.


I must have thought his name one too many times.

I suppress a groan and rest the phone back on my lap. I’m not dealing with him right now. Did I know the call would come as soon as he realized I wasn’t glued to my screen as he’d left me? Yes, but I was leaving that for my future self to deal with.

Dammit past Sky.

The slit of my skirt shifts slightly sending a chill up the exposed skin of my thigh. The fabric is soft against my skin as I adjust the skirt, pulling it to re-cover my silver dagger. I fight the urge to run my fingers over the inlaid hilt and take a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever is about to come. My gun is nestled against my side, holstered beneath my black leather jacket. Despite the cool wave of relief that washed over me at learning Zeke hadn’t killed my father, I have to be ready for anything tonight.

My phone vibrates again, and I grit my teeth before reluctantly reading the text.

Monte:Where are you, Sky? You shouldn’t be out by yourself in the state you’re in.

I suck in a sharp breath, my pulse pounding as my grip tightens around the phone. How did I ever love this man? He’s making me doubt everything about our time together as kids. Would I be a shell of myself if I’d stayed in Endcliffe all those years ago? Would he have gotten me under his thumb as he’s so clearly trying to now? Would I be too blinded by what I thought was love to see past the devious mask?

Skylar:I have a meeting with the Whitlocks. The Langley sleuth is still at large, or have you forgotten?

Some of my anger cools. I’d nearly forgotten, too lost in my grief over the last week. My pack needs me. We can’t allow another wolf to be lost, not like Oliver and Mia.

My promise to Oliver’s mother rings through my mind, like his name brought that afternoon racing to the surface.

I will get them their revenge—on the Langley sleuth, on Elise, and anyone else who betrays us, even if it’s the last thing I do.