“It is. How did you get it?”
“I may have promised Sonnie six months’ worth of cereal in return.”
“Dad,” I chuckled. “You always trade groceries for goods.”
He ran a successful grocery store and could afford it. But still.
“What? I don't always do that.” His eyes rolled up and he pressed his lips together. “Well, maybe. This time was for my heart’s desire.”
I shook my head, still smiling. “Good for you, then.”
“Better on me.” Dad grabbed my hand. “I've never felt so alive. I'm trying new things. Like this recipe I saw online.”
He tugged my arm and I flinched.
“Are you okay?” Dad dropped my hand and turned concerned brown eyes on me.
Two nights ago, I had mind-blowing sex with a stranger, and now I'm sore in places I didn’t know I could be, I thought, keeping it to myself. Instead, I responded, “Yes?”
“Hmm.” He swept a disbelieving gaze over me.
“Come on, Dad.” I bumped his shoulder. “Tell me about your new recipe!”
“Oh, yes.” He jumped into action and I shuffled after him.
My schedule confirmed three homes to clean tomorrow. It would be a challenge at work. Every step I took revealed stiff muscles.
It was worth it, though. Fantastic sex with a handsome stranger was what I'd needed—and got. I’d had my once-in-a-lifetime, wild, carefree night that I could remember forever.
Even if it meant dealing with a few aches and pains. At least they came with the memory of a pleasurable night nothing could top.
“What?” I blinked.
“You're standing there, smiling into space.” A line had formed between my dad's brows.
“Oh, don't mind me.” I hurried into the kitchen, smiling to hide my wince. “I'm just enjoying the aromas.”
Indeed, everything smelled delicious. My stomach growled in response. Dad was a cook like no other.
“I didn't always know how to cook. If your mom could see me now, she would be so proud,” he often used to say. Mom died when I was really young, so Dad and his amazing meals were all I knew.
“I made avocado soup for the starter, chicken casserole with roasted broccoli as a main, and for dessert—” he pulled out a glass container from the fridge and lifted it toward me “—creamy chocolate mousse.”
I could almost hear choirs singing with rays beaming from the sky to light it up.
“Ooh…” My voice tapered out. “What makes this different from all the other chocolate mousses we've had?”
Dad grinned. “Don’t worry, you'll see. It's a fresh new ingredient.”
“Jeez, Dad, don't tell me you put a vegetable in it.”
“What? No.” He placed his prized mousse back in the fridge. “It's sweet, I promise.”
The dining table was covered in so much food. It was always a lot when Dad cooked, but tonight, it was two times the usual amount. My eyes narrowed.
“Dad, are we having a—”