Page 28 of Albert

I shrug helplessly. I wasn’t prepared for him to be here alone. I’d convinced myself he’d have a beautiful date on his arm. One he could show off with pride. “Told you these things were dull,” Meli says as she joins us.

“Maybe we should just go,” I suggest. “Leave you to it.”

“Don’t you dare,” hisses Meli, grabbing my hand. “I can’t get through dinner on my own.”

We’re led through to another room where large, round tables seat eight. I sit beside Meli, and Archer places his drink down before heading for the bathroom. Albert sits in the seat, ignoring the fact it’s reserved for Archer. “It’s taken,” I mutter.

“By me.”

“Look, it wasn’t my idea to bring—”

“I don’t wanna hear it, Red. Save it for later.”

“Later?” I repeat.

Archer returns, standing awkwardly. “You’re in my seat,” he eventually says.

Albert looks up at him. “It didn’t have a name on it. Sit somewhere else.”

“But Rosey’s my date.”

Albert glances at me. “That right, Red? Do you want me to move?”

I fidget uncomfortably. “It’s fine, Archer, just sit anywhere,” I mutter, and he frowns before taking his drink and sitting beside Tommy.

Dinner is served and I eat in silence while Albert chats with Arthur about business. When desserts come out, I’m stuffed, so I slide it away from me and lean back in my seat. Albert places a hand on my knee, taking advantage of the thigh-high slit. He begins to move farther up my leg and across my inner thigh. I clamp my legs closed before he can get that far, and he smirks. “Make me force them open,” he whispers, “and everyone at this table, including your date, will know what I’m doing under here.”

“It’s not appropriate,” I whisper-hiss. He pinches my thigh, and I yelp, causing Meli to look at me. I smile awkwardly, parting my legs and allowing Albert to slip his hand into my knickers.

“You’re acting so weird tonight,” she says. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing,” I say defensively. “I’ve got stomach cramps.”

“I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place tomorrow night. I’ve got the kids for Mav so he and Rylee can have a date night.”

Albert presses his finger to my clit, and I sit straighter. “Erm, not really my thing,” I say.

“Or mine, but I’m being a good aunt.”

His finger slides into me, and I bite my lip. “I have work anyway.”

“It’s weird you plan your work. Shouldn’t you just do it when the opportunity arises?”

“I like to be organised,” I almost whisper as Albert moves his fingers faster. He’s chatting with Arthur completely normal, as if his fingers aren’t buried inside me, and just as I begin to feel the delicious warm feeling, he withdraws them, popping them into his mouth and licking them clean. I stare open-mouthed, wondering how the hell no one saw any of that. He then swipes his fingers through my melting ice cream and places them to my lips. I hesitate, and he arches a brow until I open and take them into my mouth.

“What the fuck?” asks Meli.

“Didn’t she mention us?” asks Albert.

“No, she bloody didn’t,” says Meli, sounding outraged. “Bathroom, now.”

I follow her to avoid a scene. The second we enter the bathroom, she spins to face me. “You and Albert?” she screeches. “Since when?”

“It’s not a thing,” I say. “He thinks it’s a thing, but it isn’t.”

“You just sucked dessert from his fingers, don’t tell me it’s not a thing.”

“It’s sex,” I say, shrugging.