Page 39 of Ace

Chapter Sixteen


It’s been a long afternoon, with the men updating me on everything I’ve missed. Turns out it was Tag’s father who began all this. He wanted to take Lucy, but instead, he got us. He didn’t make any demands on the club or the Mafia. Tag thinks he’s trying to gain respect. A man who can take down The Rebellion single-handed would gain respect from smaller organisations. Lucy is pissed with Tag, blaming him for everything, and she’s currently living here while he’s back at Anton’s. I’ll sort that mess out later. Right now, I want to find those bastards.

I sent some of my guys along with Anton’s men to the house where we were taken, but it’s empty. The two bodies we left there were gone and the blood cleaned away.

I stroke Dodge’s head. He hasn’t left my side since he saw me. “They knew the club was falling apart,” I say. “Someone on our side told them.”

“No way! Like who?” Hulk stands. “And we were not falling apart.”

“Mystique seems to think it was a female. She overheard a phone conversation, said the voice sounded feminine.”

“So, what do we do with that?” asks Scar.

“We keep everything quiet. Nothing gets spoken about out of this room. If they’re not old ladies, they can’t be here right now.”

“That’ll put a lot of the whores out. They’ll be pissed.”

“Old whores, they stay. If they’ve been here a year or less, they go.”

“And what about the new girl?” asks Bear.

“Mystique helped us get out of there. She stays.”

I slam the gavel on the table, calling an end to church. I’m dog tired, and I need to check on Mae. The guys leave, and I flop back into my chair. There’s a light knock on the door followed by Mystique stepping into the room. She’s wearing tight leather pants and a vest that I recognize as Angel’s.

“I need to speak to you,” she says, closing the door.

“Go on,” I prompt.

She saunters around the large oak table towards me, pulling herself onto it. “Mae needs a hit. They gave her heroin, and she’s coming down. If you don’t wean her off it slowly, her body will go into shock and it’ll be very unpleasant for her.” I tried not to think too much about what they’d given her in there, but I knew it was something bad. I nod once. “Also,” she pauses, “what’s the situation between you two?”

“We’re friends . . . good friends,” I confirm.

Mystique jumps down from the table, smiling. “Good.” I let her leave without questioning that remark. She doesn’t stand a chance against Mae.

It doesn’t take me long to get what I need, and within twenty minutes, I’m standing by Mae’s bed, watching her scratch at her skin while rocking. Mystique stands next to me, rubbing my arm reassuringly. “I won’t take it,” growls Mae.

“If you don’t, it’ll get worse. A small amount to ease it and we’ll wean you off it slow. I’m trying to get methadone. It’s safer, but it’s taking too long,” I tell her.

“No,” she yells.

Mystique rubs a hand down my back. “Maybe we should come back later. She’ll be out of it by then, and we can just do it.”

“I wanna stay with her until Doc gets here. I hate seeing her like this. She’s been through so much.”

Mystique nods sadly. “She’s lucky to have so many wonderful people around her. You can’t sit in here. You’re tired and you’ve been through a lot too. I’ll get her mum to sit with her.”

I shake my head. She’s my responsibility too, and I owe it to her. “I need to stay.”

“How about I get her mum to sit with her while you have a short rest, and if anything happens, I’ll come and get you. Just an hour?”

“Stop talking like I’m not in the room. You can go,” mutters Mae. “I’m okay.”

I sigh. “You look like shit.”

“You aren’t helping, Ace. Come on.” I let Mystique lead me from the room. She takes my hand in hers and walks me to my room. I unlock the door and find it’s just how I left it. Dodge jumps onto my bed and curls up. I move my head from side to side to ease the stiffness. Having my arms up for so long has strained the muscles. “Come on, sit,” says Mystique. I lower onto the bed, and she kneels behind me. “I used to be a masseuse,” she explains, placing her hands on my shoulders. She begins to massage the sore tissue there, and I groan in pleasure. It feels amazing. “You have to stop worrying about everyone else, Ace. Take care of you.”