Page 37 of Ace

Mae sits up, wincing uncomfortably, and turns to me, “Stop.” It’s a firm and clear instruction, so I immediately stop. “You aren’t getting free anytime soon, so just stop.”

“I’ve let you down,” I mumble. Mae lays back on the bed, but this time, she stays facing me. “When you told me how you felt, I didn’t expect it. But over the weeks, I’ve realised what a fool I’ve been. I wish I could turn back time.”

“What would you change?” she whispers.

Chapter Fifteen


Ace shakes his head. “I don’t know.”

“Would you give us a go, if you had the time again?” I don’t feel ashamed to put it out there, because if we don’t make it out of here, at least I’ll know.

“No,” he says quietly, and I’m surprised that his simple answer still has the power to hurt my heart. “But not because I don’t like you. I do, a lot. But this is the reason I don’t let people in. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me.”

“But I’m here anyway. We aren’t even a thing, and I’m still here. You wasted time when we could have been happy and enjoying life together.”

“And you’d hate me even more for putting you at risk.”

“I hate you for not giving us a chance, Ace. This bullshit comes with the club. Having you would have made this easier because at least I’d know that you loved me.”

“Mae,” he mumbles, shaking his head, “you make it sound so easy.”

“And you make it sound so complicated.”

The door opens again, and Ace lets out a string of curses. I fix my eyes on him. If I have him, I can survive this, I can draw strength from him. “Don’t let me be alone, Ace,” I mumble, and he stares at me with confusion on his handsome face. “Talk to me, about anything . . . just keep talking.”

“I don’t know if I can, Mae,” he stutters. I see the heartbreak written across his face.

“I’ll be okay, I promise.”

Rough hands grab my wrists and pin me down on the dirty mattress. This time, a light illuminates my face. “Smile for the camera,” hisses a deep voice. I continue to stare at Ace as our eyes locked together taking me to another place.

“Scar will use Nicky for this job,” says Ace with a smile. Nicky is Scar’s best friend in the form of a sharp blade. He loves knives, they’re his favourite weapons of choice, and the fact that he names them amuses everyone in the club.

“Only the best for these pricks.” I smile back.

“He’ll take his time, with small, shallow cuts, so they bleed out over days.”

I nod, the thought bringing me comfort. The rough hands squeeze tighter and I wince. “I want to watch when that happens.”

“Front row seats, baby,” says Ace. Women are never allowed around club business, so it makes me happy that he’ll let me have that. A slap to my face breaks our eye contact for a moment, but it pisses me off and I bring my knee up and catch the guy in front of me in his balls. He shouts and doubles over in pain, and I lash out again, my feet kicking wildly. I catch him in the head, and he grabs my ankles. Pulling himself to stand, he climbs over me on the bed. Using his legs, he keeps mine pinned to the mattress. “You stupid bitch,” he growls.

“Fuck you,” I yell and spit in his face. He wipes it away with the back of his hand and hits me across the face again. This time, I taste blood.

“Give her a hit,” the guy orders. He releases my wrists, and I lash out, hitting the bastard on top of me hard. I scratch his face, making sure to dig my nails in deep and rake them hard along his cheek and neck. “I love a fighter,” he says, smiling. Releasing his erection from his pants, he holds my hands above my head and then lines himself up with my entrance. I feel a sharp scratch in my thigh, then the same sensation of warmth that I felt earlier rushes through my veins and the room goes quiet. My body feels heavy. I manage to turn my head to the side and find Ace’s gorgeous blue eyes again. I don’t understand why they look so sad, and I try to smile and reassure Ace.Things will be okay.

I don’t know how much time goes by, but when I open my eyes, the men are gone. The red-haired girl is talking to Ace, their voices low and secretive. I can’t make out what they’re saying because they sound so far away.

“Mae,” the red-haired girl is leaning over me, “drink this.” She places a glass to my lips, and I drink the water. “Drink more, you need to hydrate.”

I try to sit up, but my body aches. Everything feels tender and stiff, and when I touch my face, it feels swollen. Ace is looking at the bolt above his head. He’s standing on a crate with a screwdriver in his hands.

“Take these.” The red-haired girl holds two pills in her hand, and I shake my head. I don’t know what the hell they keep giving me, but I feel like I’ve gone ten rounds with Tag in the cage. “It’s just painkillers, Mae,” she says, pushing them into my hand.

“I think I’ve done it,” says Ace. He’s digging around the bolt and the dust from the concrete is falling around him. “It feels loose.”

We hear a car engine outside and we all freeze. The girl looks at Ace, her expression frantic and panicked. “Oh shit,” she hisses, rushing for the steps. “They’ll kill me.”