Page 54 of Ace

“I was a fucking kid. You didn’t want a son, you wanted a killing machine.”

“And you failed at that. You’re gonna let that biker piece of shit slit my throat? The mafia affiliated with biker scum . . .” He spits on the ground angrily. “Conner would turn in his grave.”

“Conner was a piece of shit, just like you. We’ve never been so well off. The power we have is more than you could ever have dreamed of.”

“Ella was always a whore. Even as a child, she’d use those big eyes to get what she wanted. Can you blame a man going there?” He’s referring to Anton’s sister, who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of her father for years and they never knew. When she finally told everyone, Anton shot him dead.

Anton steps forward, a growl leaving his throat. Tag stops him. “Don’t. He wants you to kill him quick. Stick to the plan.”

That’s my cue to step forward, Mystique by my side. “I told you I’d kill you,” I say. “The most satisfying thing,” I continue, pulling out my blade slowly as I speak, “is that now I know just how you feel about bikers, it makes it all the more sweet.”

“Fuck you. Your bitch was worth it. That tight pussy begged to feel a real man.”

I breathe deep, calming myself. I will kill him slow and painfully, just like I promised, but he’s trying to provoke me so that I make it quick.

I stab the blade into his hand. He can’t move it away because it’s bound by ropes to the arm of the chair. He grits his teeth but doesn’t make a sound. “I love the feel of flesh breaking.” I sigh, satisfaction ripping through me.

“We should leave you to it,” says Anton. “The smell is making me want to join in.”

Footsteps retreat from the room. “Can I stay?” It’s Mystique. I nod once, beginning to get lost in a frenzy of cutting.

I slump against the wall exhausted. I’m not sure how long we’ve been down here but it feels like hours. There’s blood coating my hands and arms. I’m short of breath, and my mind is lost in visions of Mae and the men who hurt her. I feel a light touch on my forearm, and I flinch before realising it’s Mystique. She takes the bloodied knife from my hand and steps towards Lorenzo. He passed out some time ago, the pain becoming too much for him, and now, the blood loss will keep him weak and subdued until he finally bleeds to death.

I lean my head back against the damp wall and watch as Mystique lifts the knife and brings it down hard, plunging it into his chest. Lorenzo sucks in a breath and releases slowly, the air rattling around his chest and then it goes silent. The knife clatters to the floor, and Mystique brings her hands to her mouth in shock. I push myself to stand, and she falls back into my arms, sobbing hard. “Shh, it’s okay,” I whisper, placing a gentle kiss on her head.

“I didn’t mean to.” She pauses, crying harder. “I just wanted to…”

“It’s okay. He can’t ever hurt anyone ever again.”

She turns in my arms and buries her face in my chest. I hold her, watching the lifeless body of Lorenzo Corallo. He deserved the slow, painful death that I gave him. I don’t feel any type of guilt for him, and I know that when I leave this room, I won’t ever think of this moment again.


I stir my drink with a straw. The party has been in full swing for the last three hours, but Ace, Tag, Hulk, Scar, Anton, and Mystique are nowhere to be seen. “You look lovely, Mae,” says Piper for the hundredth time, she’s acting odd.

“Where are they all?” I ask. “Do you think it has anything to do with Tag’s dad?”

Piper shrugs. “Who cares about that arsehole, Mae?”

Tag steps into the clubhouse and heads straight for the bar. He orders a double whiskey straight and my heart sinks. “Where’s Ace?” I ask.

“He went round back,” he mutters, knocking the amber liquid back and wincing.

The only reason the men use the back door is because they don’t want to be seen by passing eyes. “He’ll be here, Mae. Let him sort himself out,” suggests Piper.

I push off the bar and head for Ace’s room. I need to know either way if Lorenzo is dead. Taking the stairs two at a time, Piper follows me, trying to talk me into going back downstairs to the party.

I get to his door, but Piper steps in front of me. “Before you go in there, just remember he loves you. Whatever state he’s in, he needs your support right now.” I’ve seen Ace after a murder many times before. He goes into a dark mood and he’s hard to reach for a few hours. I’ll know if he killed Lorenzo. I push past her and shove the door open. Ace is sitting on the edge of his bed, his head hung low and his elbows rested on his knees. He looks up, and we lock eyes. He’s covered in blood. It stains his arms, his hands, his clothes, and there’s splatters on his face.

“Do you have any shampoo that doesn’t smell like men?” comes Mystique’s voice from the bathroom.

My eyes widen, and Ace stands looking panicked. “Mae, it isn’t how it looks.”

I nod, but my face can’t hide how I feel, and he sees the hurt in my eyes. “Is he dead?” Ace hesitates and then nods once. “And she helped you?” He nods again.

“It’s good news that he’s dead, isn’t it, Mae?” asks Piper brightly.

“Bonded by blood,” I mutter. Ace once told me that he killed a man who tried to attack Hulk’s mum. It was a long time ago, and she was in a back alley with some drunk guy who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Ace had been in the right place at the right time and killed the guy. He said from that night on, he and Hulk’s mum had never separated. They’d been bonded by blood.