Page 26 of Shake the Spirit


Yesterday, after bailingon the Cracker Barrel and our families, Oana and I hid in the open. We ate out and shopped without anyone familiar noticing us. That anonymity is gone as Oana and I ride around Rockwell today after breakfast.

First, we nearly run into Trinity Church members at a strip mall. They give Oana an extra-long look. She panics and kisses me. I grab her ass, making them uncomfortable enough to move on.

While introducing Oana to Chinese food, I spot Zelda Toomey. Alexis’s cousin stops and stares at me with her dark eyes. I mentally beg her to just keep walking. She nods as if she understands and walks off. However, I catch her pulling out her phone to text someone.

Later, on our way to the movies, I’m forced to dodge several Rawkfist club members. Despite zigzagging through traffic to avoid them, I’m fairly certain I got tagged anyway.

It won’t be long before my family stops waiting for me to show up at Rie’s house in Arcadia and searches for me in Rockwell.

After the movie, I sense we won’t be alone much longer. That’s why I head to a jewelry shop.

“Will you common law marry me?” I ask as I slide on her ring. “It may not be legal, but I’ve never cared about legal shit anyway.”

Oana’s pale blue eyes widen and the most beautiful smile washes across her face. “Does that mean I’ll be your wife?”

“Yes. I’m declaring it so.”

Oana slides my ring on, finding it as loose as hers proves to be. We glance at the clerk, who shrugs. “It takes time to get them fitted.”

Frowning, I decide to buy necklaces for the rings. “We’ll get them fitted later. Right now, we need to make a statement.”

“To who?” Oana asks, wary now.

“Everyone. You, me, our families, the chick at the Mexican restaurant we’re hitting up for dinner.”

Soon, Oana caresses the blinged-out ring hanging from her sterling silver necklace and smiles. “I like that it’s different than what my parents have.”

“We’re rebels. No one can slow us down,” I state, pissing in fate’s face and asking for trouble.

The first speedbump fate throws at us is how my dream girl can’t handle heavy, spicy foods.

“The refried beans might not like me,” she says after climbing off my hog at the hotel.

“We should have let your stomach settle before riding home.”

Oana smiles despite her discomfort. “Having a home with you felt out of reach for so long. I find myself constantly startled over it finally happening.”