Walking toward the front door, I can’t even think of the answer. I ride the heat from our kiss and prepare for someone to slow down my date’s momentum.
Inside the restaurant, I spot Tomcat and his dad, Glenn, at a table near the front. They only give me head nods when they see us.
The club’s SUV was taken out by Armor who sits with Yazmin in a corner booth. As I move past their spot, I make quick introductions. Armor keeps things short while Yazmin only stares at Irina.
“Good luck getting past Wynonna,” Armor says, chuckling when I start moving.
I frown at him as I maneuver Irina around a few tables to avoid Ruin’s little sister. The big-mouthed brunette snaps her fingers and points at me.
“Rhett Finch, get your ass over here.”
“No,” I reply and walk to where the waitress waits.
Irina glances back at Wynonna. She doesn’t ask me anything until we’re seated in a booth.
I’m struggling to find a relaxing position for my long legs when Irina asks, “Who’s the woman?”
“Ruin’s sister.”
“That’s your club president.”
Grinning, I like how she’s learning to get the names straight in her head. One day, everyone important to me will be close to Irina. Right now, she only has Fiona.
I’m curious about Todd’s daughter, who is a main barrier to my ability to claim my woman.
“What exactly is wrong with Fiona?” I ask after the waitress leaves, and I tilt my body to block Irina from Wynonna’s snooping.
“First, I want you to answer my question about your nieces and nephews. We should also count our questions, so we know how many pieces of clothing to remove when we get to your place.”
Smirking at her wiggling eyebrows, I kiss her softly. I shouldn’t suck on her face like a horny teen when people are watching. I need to show them how Irina and I aren’t just fuck buddies.
“My oldest sister, Harper, has three kids. She’s an uppity bitch and her two daughters are obnoxious like her. The boy is okay. I took Wayne camping with me last summer.”
Irina frowns at my words until I mention camping. I wonder if she’d want to do that with us the next summer. Rather than ask, I stay focused. If I tell her about my idiot sisters, she’ll explain about Fiona.
“The middle sister is June. She’s one of those unhinged bitches who starts fights all the time. She’s always claiming she’s both the best at everything and also the biggest victim of everything. Like if her power goes out, she’ll claim it’s a plot against her. So, yeah, she might be crazy. She’s been married three times, each guy left her quicker. The first one gave her two kids. I feel bad for my nephews, but they’re assholes who start shit with other kids. I don’t take them anywhere anymore after they bullied Wayne. When they get older, I’ll probably need to kick their asses to set them straight.”
Irina surprises me by snickering at that last comment. Sharing her grin, I explain, “The youngest sister is Gretchen. She married a petty criminal who is always in and out of jail. Nothing serious until he helped with a robbery that turned violent. That got Good Time Gus locked in prison for a few years. Gretchen’s kids are my favorites. I took them camping with Wayne and me. They’re the ones you texted with the other night.”
“Do you see them often?”
“I visit them once a month, usually. My sisters only want money, but those three kids actually like spending time with me. I bring them around the Pigsty when it’s quiet. Take them swimming. Just give them a place where they feel safe from their homelife.”
Irina smiles warmly, impressed by my ability to be nice to kids who don’t piss me off.
“I don’t know why my sisters turned out shitty,” I say when I consider how they must sound to Irina. “My mom was like sunshine, brightening the world. I guess she was too lenient. She didn’t like being the bad guy.”
“I wasn’t a tough mom,” Irina says and shrugs. “But Owen was still so little.”
“My mom was a teenager when she had me,” I explain, probably sounding too defensive. “I don’t think she had any idea about parenting. Her mom and dad were dipshits. She did her best.”
Irina slides her fingers across mine resting on the table. Her blue eyes watch me, seeing what I want to keep hidden.
“My sisters were younger and always sucking up her attention,” I explain and grin. “Sometimes, my mom would fake like I was sick to keep me home with her for the day. After Asshole Lloyd went to work and my sisters were on the school bus, Jillian and I would hang out. Sometimes, we’d go to the movies or miniature golf. When I got older, she’d take me bowling. We’d talk about anything. Besides hanging out with my friends, those days with my mom were my best times.”
“She sounds great,” Irina replies with a hint of sadness.
Unsure if she’s bummed about my mom dying or her own crappy mother, I don’t follow up.