Page 127 of Pieces We Keep


This morning, Eagleasked if I wanted to join him at Nomad’s house. As much as I like Landry, I’ve accepted I’m not currently strong enough to spend time with her little ones. At the last girls’ day before Christmas, Yazmin said something about having a right to say no.

“It’s something I’m still learning to do,” explained the beautiful brunette. “But you need to know your limits and demand others respect them.”

Taking her advice, I explain to Eagle how I’m not ready to engage with Landry’s kids. He didn’t push me or seem put out. I still expect him to pitch a fit like Steve would. Each time I speak up, Eagle erases more of my worries.

With the Pigsty emptied out for the day, I decide to drive over and check on Fiona. She texted earlier to say she was spending time in the mansion. I couldn’t tell if she hoped I’d come rescue her.

Arriving at the mansion, I’m surprised to find Olive alone with Gatsby in a side yard.

“Where’s Fiona?” I ask, assuming the worst.

Olive gives me a look I don’t understand before explaining, “Mister Rogers is having a business meeting and ordered me out of the room.”

“Okay, but where is Fiona?”

“Sitting with him, apparently.”


Olive’s blank expression makes me realize how I should be able to guess the answer.

“I don’t know what to do,” I mumble, giving voice to my confusion. “What if she needs help?”

“Mister Rogers had the staff make everything dark before he told me to leave. After I came out, several men in business suits entered the house.”

I try to picture Fiona sitting with her father during a meeting. Is Todd using her for a plot? Does he really view her as his heir now that Larry’s run off to party overseas? I don’t understand why he sent away Olive and the dog. If he’s testing Fiona, what happens if she fails?

I’m beside myself as I sit in the expansive flower garden on the mansion’s east side. Nearby, Gatsby investigates everything, taking advantage of the mild holiday weather.

While waiting, I text Eagle to check on him. He says he’s at Nomad’s place. Tempted to push myself, I consider driving over to meet him. Fiona is likely okay. However, I can’t settle down until I know for sure.

Lately, Todd treats Fiona rather well. I pretend he feels guilty for sending her away with Zaja, but I sense the evil man likely doesn’t feel shame over anything.

That’s why I worry about Fiona’s safety. What if she angers him and he sticks her wherever he hid Ashley’s body? Fiona said the woman’s sister showed up, demanding answers earlier in the week. Kirstie claimed her man would get to the bottom of the matter.

“I don’t know what that means,” Fiona told me. “Is her man important?”

When I asked Eagle last night about Kirstie, he explained how her boyfriend was one of Urick Halvorson’s sons.

“Erik’s a punk-ass bitch,” were his final words on the matter.