Page 120 of Pieces We Keep


Eagle keeps warningme about his sisters. I envision these crazy women running out of their houses like rabid dogs when we arrive. Despite how nervous I am, I put on a happy face for Eagle.

Our first stop is at June’s house. The plan is to pick up Wayne from Harper’s place and bring him with us to Gretchen’s house, where we’ll get Diva and Rocket.

June steps out onto the porch of her small green house with a low front porch. A large black dog barks at us from behind the chain-link fence. I remain close to the SUV, just in case the raging animal jumps over the barrier and comes for me.

“Shut up, Runt,” Eagle tells the dog who quiets down and sniffs the man entering his space.

I remain where I am while June ignores Eagle and walks toward me.

“Who is this?” she demands.

“My girlfriend.”

“Is she fat or knocked up?”

“Both,” I reply confidently.

“I don’t like her, Rhett. She seems like a cunt. Is she one of Harper’s stupid bitch friends?”

“Get her, Ma!” yells a boy from the house.

Eagle quickly barks, “Shut up, Kelvin, or I’m not leaving your present.”

“Sorry,” replies the kid dramatically.

June points at me. “Do you hang out with my sister? Because she’s a lying cunt! I didn’t steal anything from her. She stole from me. Took my cigarette cash right off the dresser.”

Eagle leaves the gifts on the porch before returning to where June yells at me from the fence.

“Stop flipping out,” he mutters and snaps his fingers in front of her face.

When June hisses at him like an animal, I nearly start laughing at how weird she’s behaving. Instead, I remember how she attacked a stranger at Walmart. June isn’t someone I want to agitate.

“Irina hasn’t even met Harper yet.”

June’s rage turns off instantly. “Oh, well, you won’t like her,” she insists as if we’re friends now. “Harper is a snob. She won’t approve of your bastard kid. Yep,” she adds before sighing dramatically, “she’s a judgmental cunt.”

Eagle snaps his fingers in front of her face again, forcing her blue-eyed gaze to focus on him.

“I left cash in an envelope. That’s supposed to last you until the end of the year. If you waste it, you’ll need to suck guys off until New Year’s to pay bills.”

“You mock me all you want, but I could make a fortune if I charged men,” June says and winks at me. “I’ve got a very agile tongue.”