Page 119 of Pieces We Keep

The other night, we tried watching an action movie. I worried Fiona might be overwhelmed or scared by the explosions, despite the low light on the TV. Instead, she fell asleep halfway through the first big action set piece.

Heading upstairs, I recall Irina’s excitement during our first date. All of Fiona’s high-brow shows are probably boring as hell.

I sneak into Irina’s room, which isn’t easy with my heavy boots. She turns around to smile at me.

“Worst tiptoeing ever.”

Grinning, I crawl into bed and wrap her in my arms. Despite her headache, Irina seems healthy and strong. However, I’m relieved she’s scheduled her first visit with the therapist.

“Tomorrow, I need to drop by my sisters’ places and leave gifts for the kids. Want to come along and casually meet the bitches?”

“Sure. Did you want to bring the good kids to lunch, so I can practice my cool aunt routine?”

“Diva’s messaged me a bunch of times, asking about you. She wants more gossip about my girlfriend, but I never give her any.”

Irina turns around in bed and faces me. “Wynonna prepared me for your sisters. I know how to act.”

“I won’t let them mistreat you.”

Irina studies my face before asking, “Where is your father?”



I kiss her forehead and hope she catches a hint.

“When did that happen?”

“He came back to town not long after the club was formed.”

She strokes my chest and asks, “Did he try to meet you?”

“No, but I saw him once when he came into the Valley Gin Mill. That’s the ego he had. The asshole ditched town as soon as he heard my mom was pregnant. He never helped us over my entire life. Then, he came back and found out I rode with the Steel Berserkers. He must have known the Gin Mill was our townie bar. The motherfucker just showed up to get a drink. Not to see me or make amends. I think he wanted to prove he wasn’t afraid of me. I took his return as a sign of disrespect to Mom and me, so I dealt with him.”

“I’m glad he isn’t around anymore. It’s bad enough that you have those sisters.”

“I know Wynonna thinks my sisters can’t be reasoned with, but that’s just June. Harper’s husband is a gambler and has gotten himself in trouble more than once. She owes me and knows my payback would be using her man’s face as a punching bag. Gretchen is always broke. She rarely causes too much trouble.”

“It’s okay,” Irina says and cups my face with her soft fingers. “You don’t have to be embarrassed or apologize for your family. I know you watch out for them because of your mom, not because you’re close with them.”

Grinning, I admit, “I’m nervous they’ll embarrass me or hurt your feelings.”

“I can honestly promise I don’t care what your wacky or uppity sisters think of me. I cut off my family without any regrets. Those who matter to me, matter a lot. Those who don’t, mean nothing.”

“I love when you act like a stone-cold bitch,” I tease and kiss her.

Irina’s probably right about her ability to handle my sisters. She wasn’t all that upset about how I killed my dad. Irina seems to understand how the world works.

Except she still hasn’t asked if I killed Jimbo. She doesn’t even consider that her sweet Fiona is a savvy Rogers heir. Irina definitely misses things when people she loves are involved.