Page 115 of Pieces We Keep

I let Eagle’s words settle. My tears stop, and I catch my breath. In the next room, they speak in hushed voices. I start to feel ashamed about having an outburst around his club brothers.

Instead, I remember how careful they were with Fiona at Thanksgiving. The Steel Berserkers Motorcycle Club might create havoc and suffering for their enemies. Those within their circle, though, find comfort and support.

Wiping my eyes, I smile at Eagle. “Thank you.”

His worried expression softens into a grin. Eagle isn’t comfortable with sharing any more than I am. Together, we’ll learn to open up for our daughter.

After returning to the bathroom for another cleanup, I walk with Eagle to the family room.

“Is everything okay?” Ruin asks, sounding edgy.

Nodding, I walk past them to the kitchen, where Eagle’s and my meals wait. I return to the family room and kneel next to Fiona’s chair.

“Is Eagle still staying over tonight?” she asks, worried we were arguing in the hallway.

“Yes. Is that okay?”

Fiona forces her eyes open and smiles. “I’ll be a good host. Nod a lot at whatever he says. Won’t interrupt your make-out sessions.”

Grinning, I kiss her head and join Eagle at the couch. Ruin and Armor remain on alert.

“Before you go,” I mumble, looking over my meal, “could you give me the name of the shrink that Selene and Yazmin go to? If the doctor doesn’t have any openings, I’m sure the office can point me toward someone else.”

Nodding, Ruin insists, “Tell the receptionist that we sent you and she’ll make an opening.”

After my request, Ruin and Armor chill out. My tears came from a personal issue, not their presence.

We settle into a conversation about baby names. Ruin says Joie wants the name “Walker.”

“We’ll go with that if Selene doesn’t think of something she likes better.”

“We’re naming our daughter Clementine,” Eagle replies, narrowing his eyes and waiting for any complaints.

Fiona nods. “Walker and Clementine will make a lovely couple. I can imagine the wedding invitations.”

“Stop marrying my daughter off,” Eagle mutters.

Fiona shakes her head and explains, “That’s what aunts do. I looked it up. It’s one of my duties.”

Ruin chuckles. “Well, then, you and Wynonna can plan the wedding.”

“And Yazmin,” Fiona adds. “We’ll micromanage everything. It’ll be fine, Eagle.”

“But not any of my sisters,” he replies before mellowing out. “You don’t want their help, and their advice would be shitty.”

“Duly noted,” Fiona says, and the men nod.

The rest of our lunch conversation revolves around building houses. Armor has plans drawn up for his future Spanish-style home. Ruin gives lots of helpful hints. Fiona nods like she understands. Olive knits what seems to be a pale pink baby blanket.

Later, after Ruin and Armor head out, Eagle moves his motorcycle to the guesthouse’s driveway. Fiona rests in the family room, listening to a movie. I take Gatsby out back, where Eagle and I look over pictures for a future home.

Later, Olive retires to bed, and Fiona asks to play her cello in the sunroom.

Eagle’s been quiet all evening. At first, I worry he’s bored or uncomfortable. The house’s lack of lighting can bother people. I assume this place is getting under his skin.

Except Eagle’s just naturally reserved. He enjoys being included, even if he doesn’t participate much.

While Fiona plays a dozen songs, Eagle helps me with a puzzle near a small light. Whenever I worry he’s bored, I’ll catch Eagle wearing a small grin. He told me how he liked just hanging out with his mom or friends.