Page 113 of Pieces We Keep


Ever since I firstsaw Eagle, I tried picturing him in the guesthouse. The home is fussy while he’s wild. In my mind, he would never fit right.

I’m not wholly wrong on the matter. Eagle and his biker friends seem too big and rugged for this ornate house. However, they manage to make it work.

Eagle and I return downstairs to find Armor no longer standing on guard at the window. He now rests in a chair near the fireplace. Olive is in the kitchen. Fiona and Ruin discuss the weather and Selene’s health.

“We planned to go on a trip to the mountains,” he explains as she watches him with half-open eyes. “My daughter wanted to ski.”

“Joie seems athletic,” Fiona says, and Ruin grins at how she remembers her from the Thanksgiving party.

Eagle and I settle on the couch while Ruin brags about his daughter’s interests.

“Joie loves to push herself,” he continues. “Selene was excited to go, too. We were bringing Armor, Yazmin, and the baby.”

“What about the puppy?” Fiona asks and turns slightly to see Armor. “Where would it be?”

“We hadn’t figured that out yet,” Armor replies, wearing a tiny smirk on his stoic face. “Maybe with Tracey. Or we might have brought Havana along.”

Ruin nods. “But Selene isn’t well enough to travel. We moved the trip to next year during Joie’s winter break.”

“Havana won’t be a puppy by then,” Fiona says and glances at me. “Why is Selene so sick but Irina isn’t? Is it because Selene is closer to having the baby?”

Ruin frowns at first, maybe thinking Fiona’s messing with him. Once he realizes she doesn’t understand anything about pregnancy, he shrugs.

“Selene got hurt last year. Nearly died, in fact. Her body wasn’t ready for a baby. It’s taking a lot out of her.”

Fiona sighs. “I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. Selene will rest during her last few months. Everything will pan out fine.”

I notice Eagle frowning at me. Smiling back at him, I wait to learn why he’s gotten so riled up. Everyone focuses on him, which only makes his bad mood worse.

Fiona sits up slightly and asks, “Are you thinking about how Ruin’s son and your daughter might date one day?”

Eagle’s pouty frown turns feral as he glares at his president. Ruin chuckles while Armor smirks.

“I don’t want her dating anyone,” Eagle insists, making his friends laugh. “Why can’t she be a late bloomer like Joie? I want to wait until she’s like twenty before I need to worry.”

“You’ll worry plenty without her dating,” Ruin says.

“Parenting seems difficult,” Fiona mumbles, resting her head and closing her eyes. “I’ll stick to dogs.”

Ruin grins at her comment before leveling his blue-eyed gaze on Eagle.