Page 111 of Pieces We Keep

Ruin glances at me. I feel him waiting for my reaction. I refuse to peel my gaze away from Irina long enough to focus on him.

“Did you hear that from the security asshole outside?” Ruin asks Fiona.

Irina hears Ruin’s pissy tone and feels the need to explain. “Todd sent him over last night.”

Nodding, Fiona adds, “He’s supposed to prevent my death. I was very excited to learn my father likes me enough to keep me from dying. That makes him my best parent.”

Irina frowns at Fiona who can’t tell since her eyes are still closed.

“You really are feisty today,” Irina says as her hand slides across my chest. “I think you like having visitors.”

“Does my father know you’re here?” Fiona asks no one in particular.

“Sure,” I reply before Ruin can.

“He doesn’t mind?”

Ruin mutters, “We’re his allies.”

Fiona opens her eyes and searches for Irina. Focusing on her, she smiles. “You should invite Eagle to stay overnight. With Jimbo gone and my father welcoming his allies, I think that would be okay. Just don’t get too loud with the fun stuff.”

Irina gets the worst giggles when everyone looks at her. I can tell she’s releasing all her pent-up stress from the last few days.

Glancing at Fiona, I’m a little confused by her fluctuating moods. I assumed she knew Jimbo’s disappearance was my work, yet she freaked out yesterday. Right now, she’s perfectly calm despite having people in her safe space.

I’m starting to wonder if Fiona wasn’t kidding about her being like her devious family.She might be a sneaky little shit.

“Would you bikers like to stay for lunch?” Fiona offers as she rests her head on a pillow and closes her eyes. “I could pay to have a meal delivered, so Irina and Olive won’t need to cook. Perhaps, you could explain what a horse thug is and why they’re visiting Father today.”

Ruin and Armor share a look. They don’t need to hash things out. Just a few facial reactions and they end up on the same page.

“Sure. I wouldn’t mind a free meal,” Ruin announces as Fiona reaches over to pet Gatsby who returns from his walk with Olive.

The older woman looks at Irina, and I witness another silent conversation.

“I want soup,” Fiona says when the room falls quiet except for Orson Wells on the TV. “Is there a place that’ll deliver something like that?”

“Yes,” Olive answers after realizing Fiona can’t see her head nod. “I’ll get the menu up on the phone.”

After everyone puts in their order, Ruin looks over the house before studying Fiona. The woman’s eyes are closed, but she’s no doubt awake. Her body hasn’t gotten that droopy vibe like when she slept at the Pigsty.

“The horse thugs are the Halvorson family,” Ruin explains, and Fiona lifts her head from the pillow. “They run a horse breeding farm in the nearby town of Canary Basin.”

“Are they dangerous?”

“To you?” he asks, and she nods. “No. They throw around their weight, but they’re nothing compared to the club and your father.”

Fiona opens her eyes and struggles to focus on Ruin. When she finally does, she frowns.

“Are you just being nice?”


“So, you’re telling me as a biker president and not as the mayor wanting my vote?”

Ruin smirks at her question. “I don’t like the flavor of anyone’s ass, so I never kiss it. I speak the truth when I tell you that the Halvorson family are a bunch of rich pricks. They hire ex-cons and former military, so they do have muscle. But so does your father. The Halvorson family doesn’t care about you. If they want to screw with anyone, it’ll be Larry. Well, assuming Jimbo is dead and not just lying low.”

Fiona glances at Irina and smiles. “We were so nervous, but it sounds like there isn’t any reason.”