Page 103 of Pieces We Keep

“You could give your kid the name Rhett Junior and never call him that.”

Chuckling, I think about how much I hated that name growing up. However, when my mom would say it, Rhett sounded like music.

“I guess it wouldn’t be such a big deal to have a baby Rhett. Irina calls me Eagle. I hear the other guys’ women calling them by their legal names. Maybe she doesn’t like the name Rhett.”

“Or she thinks Eagle suits you. I know I did.”

We chuckle behind our white balaclavas. I glance around the tree when I think I hear footsteps on the icy ground. Nothing is around, and I tug my jacket up to protect the back of my neck.

“For a girl, I was thinking of the name my mom wanted to give Harper before the asshole shot it down.”

Hobo peeks at me and snorts. “Is it weird?”

“A little,” I admit and shrug. “Clementine.”

“That’s a pretty cute name, man. Would go with Rhett if she gets a brother.”

His words hit me hard again. I hadn’t considered another kid. I can’t really see past this one baby and moving into a new house. The future beyond those two goals is a black hole.

“I haven’t talked to Irina about a lot of stuff. I want to blame our living situation or how life keeps us apart. But I think I just never ask the right questions.”

“You’ve lived around people who know all your crap. Irina’s just as bad, probably. She barely speaks to Olive when they’re outside. With Fiona, she’s comfortable like you are with us. But I think if you two get past all the new stuff, you’ll learn to dig deeper. It just takes time.”

“You’re very wise for a motherfucker who never dates.”

“I listen to people,” Hobo says and leans around the tree to check our surroundings. “People spew a lot of nonsense, but I also hear smart stuff. I wish I could drown out all the world and live in silence. Instead, all those voices roll around in my head. So, yeah, I’ve picked up a few things over the years.”

“But you never get lonely?”

“No,” he says, frowning like I’m stupid. “If I do, I just come to the Pigsty and hang out with you. That’s my life. I go where I want, eat when I’m hungry, sleep when I’m tired, and spend time with people when it suits me. I don’t want a life with more complications.”

“Says the guy planning to ski in Aspen.”

“Yeah, I’ll suffer for my sister. But if Kourtney asked me to move to a suburban house and drive a minivan, I’d tell her to fuck off. I’ve got my limits.”

We chuckle at the thought of him living an average Joe life. Except his willingness to push himself stays with me. Over the next hour, we fall silent as activity picks up on the estate. To keep from obsessing over the cold freezing my ass and crawling up my back, I think about Irina and our baby.

How far am I willing to push myself to make their lives better? Killing Jimbo is easy. So is spending money. Sharing about my mom and the basement ripped something open inside me. Yet, I’d done it to show her how we couldn’t keep secrets between us.

What I haven’t done so far is wrap my life with hers. We’ve never felt the daily grind of sharing space with the same person. With Irina, I can’t hide in my head or walk away when I’m overwhelmed. I need to be present in a way I haven’t been for most of my life.

First, I need to destroy the obstacle to my happy future. Today, half frozen and numb from the waist down, I finally get my shot.

Jimbo prowls around the back courtyard. He’s watching Irina through the same spot that I used the day before. Hobo and I carefully get to our feet. The snow is gone. The ground is moist. Our movements leave no crackle of dry leaves, yet I worry about sliding in the mud.

Hobo takes the right, hiding behind a tree. I move closer, careful of the security camera. Jimbo also seems to know its location.

I hear him muttering something about a “thug,” and then he says Irina’s name. Finally, I hear him clear as day growl, “I’ll enter the house like a ghost. No more bullshit. I’m done waiting.”

The urge to jump him is overpowering. Jimbo’s right about the waiting being over. This is the best shot we’ve had. With Jimbo focused on his targets, I can creep closer to mine.

Gatsby’s barking startles me. The fucking dog is right on the other side of the fence. He absolutely senses Jimbo. Irina said the dog was very calm back in Vermont. Here in McMurdo Valley, he’s met too many assholes to remain chill.

Right now, he barks like he’s ready to tear his way through the ivy and metal gate to reach his enemy.

Fiona calls the dog twice before he finally backs off. Gatsby’s outburst scares the women enough for them to flee inside. I smile at how that poodle handed me the solution to both our problems.

As soon as I hear the back door close, I signal Hobo. Unlike before, he doesn’t hesitate.