Page 101 of Pieces We Keep

“If you help me take care of Fiona, we’ll be even.”

Eagle smiles softly. “She loves you. That made me like her immediately. So, yeah, I’ll help you take care of her.”

“I want you,” I say and then add, “But I’m afraid our happiness will hurt Fiona. I’m scared I can’t be enough for all of you.”

“I’ll help you with Fiona, so you don’t let anyone down. We’ll be a team. I know my life got way fucking easier when I hooked up with my friends. Being alone was a drag,” he says and brushes his lips across my forehead. “I need you to know you aren’t alone anymore, Irina.”

“I like being on your team,” I whisper and kiss him.

Eagle deepens our embrace, even after the waitress tries to take our order. He refuses to allow the world to distract from what we need.

The future still scares me. I’ve been running in one place for so long before stumbling into a whole new array of opportunities. Each one is a blessing and a curse. I fear everything outside of Eagle’s arms.

Together, though, we can find our way.


With a chill stillin the air, Hobo and I start hunting Jimbo. I imagined a quick grab-and-stab scenario. Though a big guy with fighting skills, he’s no match for Hobo and me. We’ll easily annihilate him.

Except hunting a man on land with a dozen armed guards isn’t quite the fucking cakewalk I hoped.

On the first day, we scope out the best spots to jump Jimbo. The estate’s main open area is a no-go. However, there are paths around the dense woods and fields farther away from Todd’s mansion.

Hobo claims the asshole walks around a lot, especially around the guesthouse.

“The back courtyard allows him to spy,” Hobo explains as we prowl near where Irina currently cares for Fiona.

I’m surprised by my woman’s laughter. I creep closer, using the path Hobo stakes out for me to avoid security cameras. Peering through the natural barrier lining the courtyard’s gate, I admire Irina as she sits cuddled with Fiona.

They seem so comfortable together in a way that wasn’t as obvious at Thanksgiving. When Irina gets nervous, she turns quiet and can seem cold. She also lacks the obvious fragility of Selene and Yazmin. That’s probably why Wynonna didn’t immediately claim her as a new bestie.

Right now, Irina’s big heart is on display. She can’t stop laughing at whatever Fiona is saying. They snuggle on a bench under a large cover. Whenever the wind picks up, they wrap their arms tighter around each other.

I feel a little guilty over how I’m pulling Irina away from Fiona.Am I the asshole in this scenario?Fiona seems so fragile. I was never fucked up like her as a kid, but I remember feeling powerless. Fiona’s already lost a lot in life. What she wants now is for Irina to be safe from Jimbo. She asked me to do this one thing to calm her fears.

No matter how invigorated I am, killing Jimbo proves tricky. If I could just walk up to him on the street, he’d be dead already.