Page 99 of Pieces We Keep

“One day, Nicole came to me and said the baby might be mine. I flipped out since there was no way I fucked my club president’s girlfriend. Nicole just laughed and said she got horny one night when Ruin wasn’t around. I was too drunk to tell her no, so she climbed on and rode me. I might be the kid’s dad, but not to tell Ruin.”

Eagle exhales hard like a pissed animal. “I spent months stressed out. If I told Ruin, he’d blame me. I mean he wasn’t going to kick a pregnant Nicole’s ass. If I didn’t tell him, he’d marry that bitch. I ended up doing nothing. I feared losing everything if the truth came out.”

Falling silent, Eagle gives me a soft smile. “You’re so beautiful,” he says and kisses me.

I lean into his embrace while feeling quite certain he’s having a breakdown from my news.

Once our lips separate, Eagle shakes his head. “Joie wasn’t mine. Nicole fessed up one day how she made the entire thing up just to screw with me. When I asked why the fuck she would do that, she said because she could. I was the oddball that Ruin endured while she was carrying his kid.”

“She sounds awful.”

“She is. That’s why she’s not allowed to live in the Valley anymore. But that’s not why I told you that story.”

“Then, why did you?”

“Because after I thought I knocked up Nicole, I considered getting snipped. Armor had a vasectomy to avoid a random chick showing up with his kid. Condoms aren’t a hundred percent, and drunk bikers and their party girls aren’t great at remembering to be safe. So, I figured I should avoid getting stuck with someone like Nicole. Because Ruin married the bitch. He lived with her for years. For his kid, he endured Nicole’s shit. I knew I would do the same if it was me. That’s why I was getting fixed.”

“Well, clearly, you didn’t have it done,” I say and stroke my stomach.

Eagle’s hand slides over mine. “No, because I wanted to be a dad one day. Not with someone like Nicole, but I figured I might find someone with a big heart and great tits. That chick was going to own me so completely that I’d want a kid with her.”

Kissing my furrowed brow, Eagle whispers, “I didn’t get snipped because I was meant to find you and make this kid.”

“Wait, you’re not upset?”

“Of course not.”

“But it’s so soon into our relationship.”

“I just turned forty-three, Irina. I don’t have a lot of time to dick around if I want to have a kid before I’m too old to chase it.”

“Did you already know?” I ask, unsure about how calm he is now.

“I sensed you were hiding something. Don’t do that. I need to trust you. I’d rather hear shit I don’t like than worry you’re keeping secrets.”

“I just told you that I’m weak. Keeping secrets is how I protect myself.”

Eagle shakes his head. “Not anymore. You need to learn how nothing you say or do will be a dealbreaker.”

“That’s not true. Betraying you would be a dealbreaker.”

“But you never would. That’s why I know there’ll never be a dealbreaker. The things you hide and the mistakes you make are never enough to end what we have. I need you to trust in that like I do.”

“I’ll try, but—”

“No but,” he says stubbornly. “When you want to hide, remember this conversation. When you think I won’t understand, remember how I’ve been crazy about you from the beginning. I need us to work. My heart can’t survive losing you. So, it’s in my best fucking interest to work out any issues. I’m never going to walk away. If I seem like I’m being an asshole, you just rat me out to my friends. They’ll set me straight because they know I need you.”

Eagle’s words feel set in stone. No waffling over our future. He fully believes I belong with him. He’s happy about our baby.I’ve been worried over nothing.

Kissing him, I nearly climb in his lap. My relief cuts through my earlier panic. When I settle next to him, I can’t stop smiling.

“I’m having my first checkup this week.”

“Can I go to that or is it a chick-only thing?”

“Of course, you can come. There’ll be an ultrasound.”

“I hope it’s a girl.”