“But he was your friend?”
“Yeah. We had a big crew. There was the eight of us who ended up founding the Berserkers. Plus, Hobo’s sister and Ruin’s sister,” he says and gestures at Wynonna. “Other people would hang out with us. Thanks to Ruin’s dad, we always had weed. So, yeah, they were my friends, but I didn’t spend a lot of time with Ruin one on one. Hobo and I were tight, though. Walla Walla, too, because he lived down the street. His parents are religious nuts. He used to sneak out of his room and come over to my house. Eventually, he got too big to fit out the window.”
Eagle surprises me by laughing. “It wasn’t a normal window, you know? Like it was narrow and up high. And one time, he got stuck. I came looking for him when he didn’t show up, and I found him hanging there half out. I helped shove him back inside. After that, he snuck out the back door. His parents caught him half the time, but he couldn’t stop running away from their crazy shit.”
Grinning at his amusement, I admit, “I was thirty-five when I first snuck out by lying to my employer and faking like I was seeing a movie.”
“You did that for me,” Eagle says and smiles in the sexiest way. “I wish I could sneak over and visit you.”
My smile dies immediately when I consider him getting hurt. Eagle notices my reaction and loses his grin.
“There are armed men around. If one of them hurt you, I’d never forgive myself.”
Eagle looks irritated for a minute as if my concern is a dig at his manhood. Then, perhaps, he remembers how I’ve already lost someone important to me. I can’t also accept the burden of Eagle’s death.
“I won’t need to sneak over,” he says and pushes back his empty plate. “You and I will see each other plenty. Soon, we’ll be inseparable.”
His words both promise a wonderful future and leave me frozen with worry. I don’t know how to fold Eagle and Fiona together into a happy life.
The stress mixes with my hormones to leave me with a stomachache. I should probably stay away from such creamy sauces until the baby is born.
I nearly mention my plan out loud before panicking and losing my courage. Mostly, I worry telling him tonight will jinx us.
I used to swear to Fiona how bad luck wasn’t a real thing. She got hurt because her mother was a monster. I lost Owen and the baby because my husband was a distracted driver. No one got jinxed. Doom didn’t follow people.
However, with Eagle and this baby, I’m certain a dark cloud follows us. Marky’s death amped up my paranoia. Now, I can’t shake the feeling that saying the words “I’m pregnant” to Eagle will put everything good in my life in jeopardy.
“I plan to hire extra help for Fiona. That way, if there are issues with the new woman, I won’t need to start from scratch.”
Eagle considers my words, unsure if I’m blowing him off. I’m too nervous to offer him the promise he craves.
In the past, I’ve made and broken other promises. I told Owen I would protect him. I said the same to Fiona. I did my best with them both. However, my son is dead, and Fiona’s already been banged up by her evil brothers. I can’t bear to fail Eagle, so I keep my words vague and hope it’s enough.
His brown eyes seem extra dark in the steakhouse. They are rich chocolate temptation, drawing me closer. In them, I see a future where I get everything I want.
Eagle smiles at me. “I want you to feel comfortable when you’re away from her.”
Grinning now too, I can’t believe how sweet this man is when he reveals his heart.
We’re startled from our happy moment by the arrival of Ruin’s sister. A beautiful brunette, Wynonna narrows her brown eyes and frowns hard at us. The beefy man with her shuffles from foot to foot like he’s in a hurry.
“Are you going to introduce us?” Wynonna asks Eagle.
Eagle leans back and slides his arm behind me. “Where are your children?”
“With their grandfather and his newest tart.”
“Are you fighting with Callie?”
“No, we just call each other names for fun now. It’s our friendship thing. Don’t judge.”
“Now, introduceyournewest tart.”