Page 86 of Front Runner

I gazed over the field, absently noting the defense was going to rush on Parker’s blind side. “If I bring good publicity to the school, they’ll look like assholes for suspending me, but if they reinstate me…”

She nodded once. “Exactly. They’ll have done their due diligence by ‘investigating’, and they can easily find no wrongdoing by either party. I’ve already lined up a great speaking opportunity for you with Marian Kelsey at STEM & Sports. Parker sent over her information, and when I contacted her, she was ecstatic to have you in.”

“Even after the horrible news articles?”

Harper nodded, her blonde ponytail falling over her shoulder. “Marian was adamantly on your side.”

Gina leaned closer. “By the way, I did some digging on that uncle of yours, and it looks like he’s had a private investigator following you for a while now, which explains why someone wanted access to the door cams. He didn’t even need to be there to get the shots. Your uncle sold the pictures to the tabloid that broke the story.”

My hands clenched into fists, and I promised myself the next time I saw him he’d have a reason to file assault charges.

Gina patted my arm. “Resist those violent urges I see on your face. I took care of him and his sleazy lawyer. Faced with a real legal challenge they backed down immediately. I’m also working on the sham of a case with your dad’s estate. Did you know the ruling judge is an old golfing buddy of your uncle’s?”

I stared at her in shock. She’d been involved less than a week, and she’d already made that much progress? I’d cut myself off as much as possible from George and his case, so it had never occurred to me I was being hustled.

“Okay. I give in. You two are clearly better than me at running my life.” I faced Harper. “In your expert opinion, what do I do now?”

She met my eyes with an easy smile. “Just be yourself.”

I laughed without humor and returned my attention to the game. “Sure. Any more clichés to offer?”

Gina tapped my wrist. “Let me ask you something. If none of this had happened—if you were just a girl here to watch her boyfriend play—what would you do after the game?”

“Besides give him crap for overthrowing that last pass?”

She smiled indulgently. “Besides that.”

I sighed, forcing myself to move past the bitterness of not being on the field with them. These guys were my friends as much as my teammates, and I missed them. Despite the amount of time I’d spent with Parker the last week, I missed him too.

He’d done everything in his power to take care of me, including this ambush. It was time I showed up for him.

“I’d go down to the field and make it clear I’m proud of him—of all of them.”

She sat back with a decisive nod. “Then do that.”

We chatted while we watched the rest of the game, cheering with the fans around us. At halftime, a lanky teenager wearing my jersey and a besotted expression brought me a hot dog with a note from Parker.

Wanted to make sure you were keeping up your strength. Love you.

I slid the paper into my pocket and devoured the food. Harper and Gina spent the second half trying to convince me to confront the athletic director’s office as soon as possible. I wasn’t sure I wanted to put myself through the experience of some asshole executive telling me I couldn’t play because I dared to be female and have a sex life.

Both ladies insisted the message had to come directly from me.

My resistance faded as the other team came back from a shutout to within one score of winning. Acid churned in my belly as I watched helplessly while the clock ticked down, refusing to sit until they punted without scoring.

With less than two minutes left and the ball back in Parker’s hands, I finally gave in. I wanted to be out there. Win or lose, I wanted to use my skills to help my team. If that meant turning myself into a spectacle, so be it.

The administration may only see me as a publicity stunt—a token woman on the team—but everyone hereknewI could play. I could help us win.

I turned to my companions. “Let’s do it. I want to fight.”

Harper gave me a classy nod, but Gina whooped and jumped out of her chair. “We’ll meet you outside the athletic director’s office first thing Monday morning.”

I shook Harper’s hand, then hugged Gina. “Thank you both. I should have done this a lot earlier.”

“No time like the present.” Gina squeezed me tighter to whisper in my ear. “I’m proud ofyou.”

Hot tears pricked at my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I sniffed them back and lifted my chin as she moved away. A whistle blew from the field, and the fans around us jumped to their feet.