“Where would you like me to put it?” he asked.

Juliette didn’t say anything at first, her eyes darting around the room, taking in the piles of junk that filled every space. Chains could tell that the mess was causing her some distress, and he felt a pang of sympathy for her.

“Sorry about the mess,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Chains shrugged. “No need to apologize. I’ve seen worse.”

Juliette looked relieved at his words, and Chains could see some of the tension leave her body. He took a step into the room, surveying the surroundings. It was clear that Juliette was a hoarder, and Chains knew all too well the attachment that hoarders often had to their possessions.

As he moved deeper into the house, he could feel Juliette’s eyes on him, watching his every move. He knew that he could be intimidating, especially to someone who was dealing with emotional issues like hoarding. He knew that he needed to be careful not to make her feel uncomfortable.

Chains couldn’t help but think about the other hoarders he had encountered in his time as a wrecker. He wanted to help Juliette in any way he could, but he also knew that hoarders could be resistant to help, holding onto their possessions as a way to cope with their emotional pain. He hoped that Juliette would be different.

“Over there,” she said, pointing to the only place left in the room big enough to fit the chest.

As he carefully maneuvered the chest between the boxes that were already on the floor, he wondered how she could live like this, surrounded by so much stuff. It was a far cry from his own minimalist lifestyle, shaped by years of living with only the essentials.

Once the chest was in place, Juliette turned to him, her face flushed with excitement. “Thank you so much,” she said, her eyes shining. He nodded, trying to hide his concern as he took in the stacks of belongings that filled the other rooms off that one.

“You’re welcome,” he replied, smiling. “Just be careful, alright? All this…” he waved his hand round, “…can be overwhelming.” The minute the words left his mouth he wished he could take them back. It wasn’t his place to voice his opinion…and it wasn’t something that he would ever usually do. He was about to apologize but he didn’t get the chance.

Juliette’s smile faltered for a moment, as she looked around at the things that filled her home. “I know,” she said quietly, her voice tinged with embarrassment. “I just... I can’t help it. I’ve always been like this. Well…not always, but for a long time now.”

He couldn’t understand her need to hoard, but he could see the vulnerability in her. “Well,” he said, attempting to lighten the mood, “at least you’ve got an amazing new chest to add to your collection.”

Juliette smiled, the shadows in her eyes briefly lifting. “Yes, it’s definitely the highlight,” she agreed.

* * *

As Chains prepared to leave,he couldn’t shake the feeling that he should do something to help Juliette. It wasn’t his place to interfere, but the thought of her living in such conditions pulled at his heart. He hesitated at the door, turning back to face her.

“Listen,” he said, his voice hesitant. “I know it’s none of my business, but if you ever want help cleaning up or just need someone to talk to, I’m here for you.”Why the fuck did I say that?He was ready for her to tell him now that, “No, it wasn’t any of his business.”

Juliette’s eyes widened in surprise, but she didn’t shy away. Instead, she offered him a grateful smile. “Thank you, Chains,” she said softly. “I appreciate that.”

Phew. Now shut the fuck up before you don’t get another chance with her.

“It’s been nice meeting you,” she said.

It was his cue to leave.Looks like I might have blown it.

With a nod and a final glance at the yard, Chains left her house, his mind swirling with questions. And as he drove away, he resolved to return sooner than later. It didn’t matter to him what she was dealing with…he vowed to find a way to help her see the world as he did – liberated and unencumbered by material things. And, to see if he could unencumber her from her clothing she so he could ravage that sexy body of hers.


Zaiden cautiously approached the woman drug addict, who was nervously fidgeting in the dimly lit alley. Her disheveled appearance and desperate eyes were a testament to her addiction. She had information that could land Zaiden in serious trouble, and he was determined to retrieve it at any cost.

“You told my friend you have evidence of me killing someone,” Zaiden said in a low, menacing voice. “I want it, and I want it now.”

The woman hesitated, her eyes darting around the alley. “I need money first,” she insisted.

“For drugs,” he asked.

“What does it matter to you?” she spat.

“They’ll kill ya.” He didn’t care that they would, but he wanted to get what she had for the least money possible.

“Like you fucking care,” she said. “Money!” She held out her hand.