“Non, non,don’ fret,chè,” he said soothingly, “Ain’t here to take nothin’ from ya.”

In English, he echoed the same sentiments, “Don’t worry, dear, I’m not here to take anything from you.” She already understood what he was saying though.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he continued. “See, I, Papa Samedi, I been de rightful owner of dis house, all dis time. But I let yo’ mama live here, no rent, no nothin’. Why? ’Cause she held a special place in my life.

“She was precious to me, Juliette. So precious that she gave me you. And now, I come here to sign dis house over to you.”

A murmur of surprise ran through the crowd, but Juliette could only stare at Papa in disbelief. He continued, “You’ve let go of the material bindings, the trauma of losing yo’ mama...and now you live as the free spirit your mother always wanted you to be. You have unchained your heart, just like she did.”

Pausing for effect, he added softly, “I talk to your mama,chè. Her spirit, it be close to mine. And she tells me, now that you’re free in spirit, she can finally rest easy.”

With those words, the air around them seemed to lighten, the tension easing away. Papa’s eyes twinkled with a knowing smile, as though Juliette’s mother were right there, smiling down on them all.

Chains, having stood quietly at Juliette’s side throughout Samedi’s revelation, echoed in a husky whisper, “So precious that she gave me you.” His eyes met Papa’s.

Juliette turned to look at Chains, her hand nestled in his. The confusion was clear in her eyes. She then turned back to Papa, her voice quivering with anticipation as she echoed Chains’ question, “What does that mean? That she gave me you?”

Papa Samedi smiled gently. He knew this was the moment to reveal the deeper connection that bound them all.

“Chè, your mama, she didn’t just give birth to you. She gave you life, she gave you love, but most importantly, she gave you the people who would come to mean the most in your life,” he explained.

He then turned to look at Chains while talking to Juliette. “Your mother knew, even before we did, that Chains was destined to be part of your life. That he’d stand by you, protect you, love you. When I said she gave ‘me’ you, it was a manner of speaking. It meant she brought you into a world where you’d find love and connection. With Chains. With all of us.”

His voice dropped to a whisper, carrying an emotional weight, “She gave you a family, Juliette. And that’s the most precious gift any parent can give their child.”

Chains took a moment to glance around, taking in the sight of his fellow bikers. These men, known for their rugged toughness and hardened exteriors, were now wrestling with their emotions just as he was. Eyes that usually held a steely resolve were now soft, some even shimmering with unshed tears.

The air was thick with an emotional undercurrent that they usually didn’t dare to express, but in this moment of deep connection and raw honesty, they let their guards down. It was a testament to the depth of their bond, the unspoken brotherhood that linked each of them to Chains, to Juliette, and, in a profound way, to Papa Samedi.

* * *

“Bon, I got to be movin’on,” Papa Samedi announced, his voice echoing with the rich notes of the Cajun dialect.

But before he turned to leave, his eyes found Gator and Baptiste standing side by side. His gaze locked onto the two men. “Dis cremation business...I approve.”

His words sent a jolt through them, akin to a shudder. Papa Samedi’s approval was not something easily earned, and it spoke volumes about his trust and faith in them. The fact that he knew what they had been thinking was…downright spooky.

With one last nod to Juliette, Chains, and the rest of the crowd, Papa Samedi climbed back into his Cadillac. As the old car rumbled to life and started its journey away from Juliette’s property, those left behind knew that they had witnessed something truly extraordinary.

As Papa Samedi’s Cadillac disappeared from sight, the crowd was snapped out of its momentary hush. Blackheart, with his usual commanding presence and voice booming said:

“Alright, folks! This calls for a celebration!” The spark of excitement in his eyes was mirrored by his fellow bikers. “It’s time for a good ol’ Jokers MC party!”

His declaration was met with roars of approval, the property instantly buzzing with activity as they began to prepare. The impending party, just like any Jokers MC gathering, promised to be a night filled with camaraderie, laughter, and heartfelt celebration. And what better way to honor Juliette’s newfound freedom, the memory of her mother, and their shared bond, than a party in the spirit of true brotherhood?

When the party really got rolling that night, Gator and Baptiste were kicking back at a table, their chat barely a whisper amid all the buzz of laughter and loud music.

“Did you get what Papa was saying?” Baptiste asked, his words blending together a bit after one too many drinks. “‘So precious that she gave me you.’ You think he could be... like, Juliette’s old man?”

Gator laughed so hard he almost choked, his laughter booming out. “Baptiste, you’re drunk, man. And watch what you’re talking about. Papa probably hears every word we’re saying.”

Baptiste burst into laughter at that, his body shaking. “Think so? Maybe he’ll give us a sign.”

Just then, one of the club’s old ladies set a beer bottle on the table right in front of Gator. She didn’t notice the puddle of beer already there. Gator saw the bottle starting to skate across the table, so he gave the table leg a slight lift. The bottle took off, sliding straight at Baptiste.

Baptiste was so surprised, he let out a yell, and his chair scraped backwards as he jumped up. But before the bottle could hit the floor, Chains was there, grabbing it just in time.

Chains couldn’t help but crack up at the whole scene. He held up the bottle, “Chill, Baptiste. This ain’t some message from Papa. Just a slippery bottom on your bottle.”