“It’s okay,” she said, trying to sound reassuring. “How about you do come into town with me, and we can stop at a café or something? I doubt I’d have enough food for this big body anyway.” She placed her hand on his chest, smiling up at him.
“I am sorry,” he said sincerely. “I just say stuff sometimes without thinking. I love this place... it’s nice.”
Touched by his apology, Juliette leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss before slipping out of bed. As Chains watched her bare ass disappear outside for a shower, he silently chided himself for not being more considerate of the psychological issues she was dealing with due to her hoarding.
Chains led Juliette out to his Harley. The bike’s chrome glistened under the warm sunlight, casting reflections that danced on the ground. “Ready for your first ride?” he asked, his grin broad and eyes gleaming as he handed her a helmet.
They had decided to take the bike into town instead of her car. Chains didn’t want to mention it, but her little Honda seemed to be on its last legs, and he was worried about them getting stranded. He had come across some affordable yet better cars for sale recently and hoped he could persuade Juliette to consider an upgrade – if only for her safety.
Juliette admired the Harley as she took the soft helmet Chains handed her, pulling it over her head and adjusting it to fit snugly. “Sure am, but it’s not my first,” she replied, her smile beaming with a hint of nostalgia.
Chains was surprised by her response. He didn’t know why he had assumed she hadn’t ridden before. It was unusual for him to make so many assumptions, especially since he typically refrained from judging people. “I don’t know why I thought that,” he admitted sheepishly.
Juliette’s eyes sparkled as she teased him. “I’ve got something to show you when we get back from our ride that I think you’ll like.”
“Can’t wait,” he responded, his mind wandering to the possibility of seeing more of her. He couldn’t imagine anything better.
It had been a long time since she’d had been on a bike. Half a lifetime ago, when she was sixteen, her mother would drop her off at dancing classes because neither of them could afford a car. The thought of riding again made her heart race with a blend of excitement and anxiety.
Chains climbed onto the Harley, extending a hand to help her mount the bike. Taking a deep breath, she swung her leg over the seat and wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling an unexpected sense of security. As they prepared for their ride into town, her nerves seemed to dissipate, replaced by the comforting warmth of Chains’ presence.
* * *
Reluctantly,Juliette released her hold on Chains as they arrived in town, knowing she had to let go of his body for a while. While he ventured into the café she had suggested for the best and biggest breakfast in town, she discreetly slipped into the drugstore just two doors down to pick up her Plan B One-Step. She felt a flush of embarrassment when the family friend behind the counter gave her a knowing smile and raised her eyebrows while ringing up the purchase.
Blushing, Juliette exited the store and quickly scanned the sidewalk to ensure no one was watching her. She didn’t want anyone to discover who the man was, behind her unexpected need for the morning-after pill.
* * *
Chains was already seatedby the window when Juliette approached the table. He stood up and graciously pulled out a chair for her. They both scanned the menus before calling the waitress over to place their orders and request a coffee each.
“This is nice,” Juliette said, realizing it had been a long time since she’d dined out with someone, let alone been on a date. “A date?” she thought to herself. Everything had happened so quickly since they met at the swap meet; she hadn’t had time to process it all.
One minute she was buying an antique chest at a swap meet and the next she was having an orgasm with someone she hardly knew…and having to buy something because she’d had a brain fade in the moment and not taken precautions.
As her thoughts raced, she wondered if Chains had been as irresponsible as she had been last night, in his past, since she hadn’t been the only one to blame for what had happened. Did he have children, girlfriends, or old flames? She shook her head, trying to focus on the present moment.
Chains seemed to sense her thoughts and asked, “So, what would you like to know?”
Caught off guard, Juliette blurted out, “Do you have any kids?”
“Not that I know of,” he replied with a smirk.
Disappointed, Juliette fell silent. It wasn’t the answer she had hoped for.
“Hey, only joking,” Chains quickly added, realizing his mistake. “Listen, Juliette, I’ve been saying some stupid stuff...”
“No... no, you haven’t.”
“I have, and I’m sorry. No, I don’t have any kids, girlfriends, past history baggage, or a current old lady. I’m unattached, and I’m acting like a stupid schoolboy because I’ve never met anyone like you. I’m... I don’t know what I am. I’m finding myself…” He hesitated, unsure if he should reveal his true feelings. Maybe Juliette saw him as just a fling, and she’d be ready to move on soon. But he decided to take the leap. “Falling for you,” he confessed.
The way Juliette’s eyes smiled at him when he said those words, Chains knew he had made the right choice in being honest with her. It was the truth, and it seemed to resonate with her just as deeply.
* * *
Juliette had enjoyedthe short ride to the café, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety as she’d settled on the back of the Harley. It had been ages since she’d done anything unrelated to her obsession with collecting things. Her days revolved around working at the local thrift shop, grocery shopping, car maintenance, and visiting swap meets and trader’s markets. Occasionally, she’d travel to pick up items she’d bought online. Riding on the back of Chains’ Harley, had brought her back to memories of sitting on the back of her maw’s bike.