Page 40 of A Play for Love

“That’s for the douchebag remark.” Sebastian smiled as he sat down.

Shortly after, the rest of my brothers and cousins joined us, along with the girls. I felt bad for Julia because she looked like she was a nervous wreck. She took Lorelei from him and put her on the blanket with the other kids. Ella walked over and climbed on my lap.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Hi, sweetheart.” I kissed her forehead.

“Sam, I found out some news today,” Julia sat on his lap and placed her arms around his neck.

“Oh, yeah?” He smiled. “What did you find out?” He softly ran his hand up and down her back.

Julia hesitated and couldn’t seem to find the words to tell him.

“Oh, for God’s sake,” Jenni said. “Julia is pregnant, and if you even dare think that she cheated on you, I’m getting up from this chair, and my babies and I are kicking your ass!”

Everyone who was taking a sip of their beer spit it out.

“What?” Simon said.

Sam stared at Julia for a moment and didn’t say a word.

“That’s impossible, Julia. You know it’s impossible,” he spoke in a stern voice. “And why the hell would you tell me this in front of my family?” His voice raised. “I had a vasectomy, and it isn’t possible!”

“Sure, it is,” Ella chimed in. “It probably reversed itself. It’s called recanalization, and it’s when the vas deferens grows back and creates a new connection. If that happens, the sperm now has pathways to the seminal vesicles. It’s rare, but it does happen. So, it probably happened to you, Sam. Yay! I’m going to have another cousin.” She grinned.

I stared at my daughter momentarily in disbelief and looked over at Sam.

“What she said.”

“Stop it!” Stefan said. “Oh, my God.”

“I already called the doctor and made you an appointment to get checked,” Alex told him.

“We’re having another baby?” Sam pulled Julia into him.

“Or two.” Simon laughed.

We all congratulated them, and Sam asked if we could keep an eye on the girls while he and Julia went back to the house to talk privately.

“Gotta love this family.” Simon grinned. “It just shows you how strong we are when even vasectomies don’t work.” He held up his beer bottle.

“Ella, how do you know all of that?” I asked.

“Dad, science is my thing. You know that.”

“Yeah, Nate.” Conner grinned. “Science is her thing.”

“Hey, Ella? Do you want to hang out with me and my research team tomorrow at the hospital?” Christian asked.

“Yeah!” She exclaimed. “Can I, Dad?”

“Sofia?” I glanced at her.

“Sure.” Sofia smiled.

“Come on, Ella. Let’s go back to my house and get some ice cream.” Lily took hold of Ella’s hand.

“I can’t even believe any of this,” Stefan said as he tipped the beer bottle to his lips.