Page 27 of A Kind Wedding

There was a familiarity between them that suggested they had heated up the sheets in the past. Maybe they were still heating up the sheets, in which case I should be glad that he had moved on or moved back. But I wasn't glad. No, that feeling rising in my gut was envy. It angered me to feel that. It was like I'd had my chance and blown it, except I hadn’t. There was no scenario in which my sleeping with Todd ended in anything but embarrassment, or worse, heartache.

I studied him, wondering if I could decipher how he felt about her. His smile was genuine and his eyes were warm, but I didn't necessarily see desire. That little green monster in me liked that.

"Thank you for taking the time to help him,” I said in response to her.

And then speaking of the devil, Mikael came in with his usual swagger and wide-eyed enthusiasm, like a kid who just walked into Wonka's factory.

"This is for TV, yes?" he asked as he stepped up to us.

"That's right, this is a news station, but you won't be broadcasting today. Instead, Johanna here has agreed to do a mock interview with you. Your final rehearsal before the real thing tomorrow."

Johanna and Mikael shook hands. Then she leaned toward Todd. "Can I talk with you, just for a minute?"

"Sure thing.” Todd looked at me and Mikael. "I'll be right back."

I watched as they stepped aside, and Johanna put her hand on Todd's forearm as if she had every right to do so. I had a terrible urge to rip out her long blonde extensions. The woman was gorgeous on TV, but in real life, she was beyond stunning. Seeing her and Todd standing together, they looked like the perfect couple.

"When we’re done, we should go for a drink," Mikael said to me.

I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"I am not being telling. I am trying to be showing. Showing my thank you for helping me."

When he said things like that, I felt much better about his being interviewed. Mikael was eager to do well and to please me and Todd.

Johanna and Todd both laughed at something, and her hand that had been on his arm moved to his chest. That was my limit.

I marched over to them. "I'm sorry, but we really should get started."

Still laughing, Johanna and Todd stepped away from each other.

"Absolutely. Mikael, why don't you come with me?" Johanna led Mikael over to the desk off the main news area.

"Here goes nothing, right?" Todd said as he came to stand next to me, and we watched Mikael and Johanna sit down for their mock interview.

"It appears as if he's in good hands." Did I sound bitter? I hoped not. It was bad enough to admit to myself that I was jealous. I didn’t need Todd to know it.

Todd slanted a look at me, making me wonder if I'd failed to hide my true feelings. "He is."

I kept my gaze on Mikael and Johanna as I asked, "You and Johanna seem to have a history." The minute the words were out of my mouth, I regretted it. Even if I wasn't jealous, there was no way to ask that question and not seem jealous.

"Johanna and I went out a few times a while back. We’ve remained friends."

Friends my ass. I would bet anything that they were friends with benefits. The idea that he was taking benefits from me and her at the same time burned in my gut. The feelings of hurt and betrayal really annoyed me because I knew we’d only hooked up. It didn’t mean anything, so I shouldn’t care that he was screwing other women.

Except for the fact that he didn't use a condom. Dammit. Now I needed to ask him about his health and sexual history, which would take things out of the professional zone I was trying so hard to keep us in. That led me to my other annoyance, which was how easy it had been for Todd to revert to the professional zone. I’d spent the last few weeks fighting with my libido, while he’d been calm and cool. He’d found another fuck-buddy, apparently. One who was svelte and gorgeous.

Anger and jealousy swirled deep in my gut. I watched Johanna and Mikael but was unable to take in a single thing they were saying. Instead, my mind was filled with images of Todd doing all the delicious things he’d done to me to her. Inwardly, I let out a frustrated growl.

"Are you all right? I think he's doing really well."

Oh, God. Did I growl out loud?"I was just thinking about other things at work. He seems to be doing fine." Although I didn't know because my head was spinning with images of Todd and Johanna.

When the interview finished, Todd and I moved toward Mikael and Johanna.

"I think you did brilliant, Mikael," Johanna told him. Mikael grinned, and he looked to me and Todd for validation.

Todd nodded. “You looked good to me too, kid. What do you think, Betts?"