Page 9 of Odium

“Oh, hot damn. I didn’t think I would get a show ta’night.” He laughs when I shove past him and into the dark room. “Hold on, let me hit the lights before you end up trippin’ over something and get hurt.”

“What’s so fucking funny, Garret?” A gruff voice shouts from the back of the room when the lights click on, and I freeze.

“Turns out that the ever-celibate Levi Hart finally has a lady caller!” Garret sings out teasingly behind me, and I sneer. “I thought you had scared them all off with your overly sunny disposition and genuinely caring nature.”

“Fuck off,” the voice shouts, and he looks at me apologetically.

“Sorry, Levi has no sense o’ humor. So he really isn’t into this kinda shit. I shouldn’t have brought you in here without asking first. I don’t know where you’re supposed to be right now, but it’s not here. You need to go. How about you and I-” Garret reaches out to grab my arm, and I shriek.

“If you touch me, I’ll remove the offending hand.” I pull the knife from my dress pocket and flip open the blade with every intention of using it.

“Shit. Look, wasn’t going to hurt you.” He holds up both arms, and something crashes at the back of the room. “Don’t make me force you to leave. You won’t enjoy it, and honestly, neither would I.”

“Don’t. Fucking. Touch. Her,” a voice practically growls behind me, the sound so commandingly delicious that it vibrates through me, into my soul. He manages to soothe every one of my frayed nerves with just that one sentence. “Get out.”

“I told her to go, but she won’t listen, man.” Garret shakes his head, gesturing to me.

“Not her, Garret. You need to get out of my fucking garage. Now.” Leiv closes the few feet between us, not taking his eyes off mine.

“Okay.” The man draws out the word as he backs away and out the door. “You’re both fucking weirdos, ya know. Whatever’s your kink, I guess. I’ll be back by nine in the morning for work. Have fun?”

“No.” Leiv breathes, lifting his hand and wrapping it in the back of my hair then tilting my face up to meet his.

“No?” Garret hesitates.

“I’ll call you if and when I decide to open up again. Hang a fucking sign on your way out.”

“This is the one you told me about, isn’t it?” He pauses at the door, tossing back the question. “She’syour girl?”

“She’s my everything.”


“How did you find me?”he asks, tightening his grip on my hair. He’s pulling it so taut that it’s close to ripping the strands from my scalp, and tears begin pooling in my eyes.

“Alastor,” I whisper, desperate for his approval.

“That asshole sent you here to see me?” He smirks, releasing me. He takes a small step back, his eyes not leaving mine, and leans on the hood of the car behind him, crossing his arms. “Doubtful.”

“Not exactly.” I tilt my head away from him, allowing my hair to fall over my face, to mask my large grin.

“Don’t you dare try to hide things from me,” he snarls, quickly standing back up, and grabs my chin, yanking my face back to his. “What have you done, Wild One?” he demands, and I rear back, surprised at the use of my nickname. A smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth right before his tongue snakes out, running teasingly along the seam of his lips. “What? Have I said something that’s grabbed your attention?”

“Why did you call me that?” I gasp, not used to hearing that name from anyone other than Alastor.

“I’ve always called you that, Carwen.” He huffs, curling his lip in disgust. “Your father took what wasn’t his. He denied me my homeandmy wife. Your body, your name, your life, and your womb aremine. Not his. I was working on setting things right, but here you are, all alone in my shop. Now fucking talk. What? Have? You? Done?”

“You were coming for me?” I bounce on my toes and reach for his hand but stop when the muscles of his jaw start to tic, and he pulls in a deep, harsh breath.

“You’ve grown disobedient, Carwen,” he barks, looking down on me. “Has your father ruined you already? Did he always allow this kind of behavior from you? Has he encouraged it?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m so sorry, Leiv. I’m just excited. I was afraid you had forgotten me, or worse, you wouldn’t want me at all. I just-” I close the short distance between us, wrapping my arms around his waist, and press my ear to his chest, listening to his heart sing only for me. “I have a gift for you.”

“A gift?” He runs his hands slowly down my back, coming to rest on my ass, and tugs me in closer.

“Father,” I breathe, kissing his chest.

“That’s not a fucking gift.” He growls, spinning us around and pushing me onto the hood of a long red car. “Unless he’s dead.” He places each of his hands on my legs, slowly dragging my dress up between my thighs. “Naughty girl.” He smirks, exposing my entire lower half and noticing my lack of panties. Underwear has been a banned article of clothing in our home since the evening after Alastor decided to plant a child in my womb- unless I’m bleeding. But that’s not something I think Leiv would want to talk about right now.