I'm still angry at myself for being in love with him. A pang of guilt washes over me as I recall all the excuses I’ve made for him because I'm in love with him. He has had multiple opportunities to contact me, yet he chose not to do so after it ended. It's obvious what little respect he holds for me.

Despite the argument between my father and me, Dad has promised to always be there for both of us. I may never know why Ivan chose not to be a part of our child's life, but it won't stop me from giving my baby the best life possible. A life based on love with endless support every step along this incredible journey.

With time, the right person might enter our lives and bring unconditional love to my child. That's all that matters to me - creating a home filled with abundant joy and connection where my baby is cherished beyond measure. It has been said that stepparents can be even better than one's natural parents. I pray that's true.

I answer the phone.

My heart is racing. “Look, Ivan, I know why you’re calling, and honestly, you don’t even need to bother. I know my dad told you about the baby, and it, honestly, is what it is. There’s nothing that we can do about it. I’m keeping the baby, but I don’t expect you to stick with us. This wasn’t what you asked for when we had sex, and I’m not going to hold you hostage into a relationship that you don’t want. So consider this your freedom, and I hope that….”

“Will you shut up!” Ivan interrupts me.

I haven't even noticed that I was ranting. I frown. “Excuse me?”

“Just stop talking and come out on your balcony.”

I frown and cross my arms over my chest. "Why?"

"Just do it."

I'm baffled, yet something is telling me that he won’t stop until I carry out his demand. I know how this will all play out, and if finishing it quickly makes him stop calling, then so be it. Why he believes it necessary for me to come out on the balcony is beyond me.

“Fine,” I say into the phone, climbing off the bed and opening the balcony door. “Look, it’s open now. Are you happy?” I ask him, rolling my eyes. Why is he playing this game?

“Turn around, Cassidy," he says breathlessly.

"For what..." I drift off when I see him climbing over the balcony’s edge.

"I hope I don't get arrested." He has an earbud in his ear and takes it out. "Your dad's trellis is damn difficult to climb."

I laugh. "It's not meant to be climbed."

He's holding a battered bouquet of roses in one hand. "Sorry, they took a little beating with the climb."

"I have no excuse for my behavior." He's standing in front of me for the first time in weeks, and all I can do is stare at him and be reminded of just how drop-dead gorgeous he is. Despite everything that's happened between us, I only want to kiss him.

He takes a deep breath and opens his arms wide. "I wanted to come here and tell you face-to-face that I'm sorry, Cassidy. I should never have let things end as they did between us."

He places the flowers on the small bench.

“Why haven’t you called?” I cross my arms over my chest.

“I tried over and over again, but my number was blocked.”

I frown. “I didn’t block you.”

“Your father did.”

Anger rolls within me, but he holds out his hands.

“He did what he thought was best. Don’t be too angry with him.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying anything bad about Dad. I know he loves me and is trying to protect me, but sometimes he goes too far.

"But what the hell Cassidy? Were you not going to tell me about our baby?” Tears prick his eyes. “Were you trying to keep my child from me?"

I knew he would be angry, but I never expected this level of emotion.

"It's not like that," I whisper. "I wasn't trying to keep the baby from you, but you said you didn't want children. I thought about going to you in New York, but…" I place my hand on my stomach. "I don't want my baby to be unwanted."